
Vanilla Soap

02/10/2007 2007-10-02 12:00:00 KoME Author: Kay

Vanilla Soap

Vanilla Soap

After bassist Terra quit his band, Ruby, in March 2001 and JAPANESQUE, the band of vocalist Hidehiko, guitarist Gil and drummer NOB disbanded in April, the four teamed up to form the band Vanilla Soap.

The young band had their first live on July 7th in Niigata and on the same day also released their first maxi-single, Relaxation. From then on, their live activities continued to expand and the band performed in various live houses.

Later that year the band released their first mini-album and many more releases followed in the next two years, the band releasing single after single and mini-album after mini-album. They also released a live video in 2003. Of course, they also performed frequently and once in a while they also did a street live. Little by little, the band gained more and more attention and the number of fans started to increase.

In June 2003, NOB left the band and at the same time, guitarist Yuto joined the Vanilla Soap.

In early 2004 they released a new maxi-single called Tsukihana and, quite uncommon for a visual kei band in that period, the band offered downloads of all the tracks on their website. It was also in early 2004 when Hidehiko decided to leave the group and Terra took over the vocals.

In the Summer of 2004, it was announced that Vanilla Soap had been invited to perform at an event in France. However, this event was sadly canceled.

Shortly after, in Sepbember 2004, the band decided to disband for reasons unknown. Currently it is unsure what the members are doing.

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