

21/04/2008 2008-04-21 12:00:00 KoME Author: Andi



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According to the band's official site, Valkyr was formed in Nishinomiya city, Hyogo prefecture in 1997, by Ray (vocals), Kyo (bass) and Koh (drums), all of them seventeen-years-old at the time. The name of the band was chosen at random; they simply opened a dictionary and found a word that looked "cool". The first several months of the band were quite lazy. They had not done anything before guitarist Syu joined them in August 1998.

They played their first live on December 23, 1998. The live was called VALKYR X'mas LIVE and the advertising flyer from the event gave the following line up for the band: Rei (v), Syusuke (g), Atsushi (g), Kyouichi (b) and Hiroshi (dr). Atsushi obviously left the band sometime later on, and Hiroshi is probably none other than Koh.

Almost exactly a year after Syu had joined the band, on August 12, 1999, they finally released their first demo-tape titled Love of insanity. It was followed shortly after by two more demos in 1999.

In 2000, a keyboard player named A -- only sixteen at the time! -- joined the band. In August that year they released a two-track 'recording tune' VHS.

2001 witnessed the release of two more two track demo-tapes. In August Koh decided to leave the band; Kyo also left around that time, only to return with a new name, Kyoichi -- this time written in kanji and not in romaji like before -- shortly after. Despite the lack of a drummer, in October 2001, they finally released their first single titled Batta. Compared to their previous releases, it's content is more mature and the band were now clearly defining their own style.

All throughout their career, they constantly played live concerts and participated in various events. Usually, they performed on one stage with other bands, the more well-known among them would include Crystal eye's, babysitter, Shulla, Baroque, ElDorado, Deadman and D'espairsRay. On February 15, 2002 they had a two man live with Wail and in March that same year they participated in Stylish Wave '02.

Unfortunately, as it later turned out, Batta was not only Valkyr's best release, it was also their last. The band broke up after playing their final one man Kago no soto no sora on April 24, 2002.

Valkyr actually played a revival live on March 2, 2003, but that was their last breath. Ray went on to join Nana, while the other members formed a new band called Aushvitz. Apart from being the leader of Aushvitz, Syu also plays in Galneryus and Animetal, and occasionally performs as a solo artist as well.

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