

24/07/2009 2009-07-24 11:59:15 KoME Author: Ere chan Translator: Kay



Taiji decided to create a new band in 2003 after he had been inactive for some time. He started the band together with his sister Masayo (ex CLICKET), who became the vocalist. Furani became a part of the band as well, doing the backing vocals, keyboards and pianos. Gen became the guitarist and Hideki the drummer. Next, Taiji took the role as bassist, second guitarist, and also backing vocals. Seeing as he was the bandleader, he also wrote most of the compositions.

Even though the band was complete now, two other musicians joined them as support musicians: Hatsuse on drums and Fujimoto Taiji on guitar. The latter had been playing with Taiji before in their band Dirty Trashroad and was, aside Taiji, the most experienced member in the band.

Taji's name was already well-known in Japan, enabling him to sign a contract and get his music out there rather quickly. On hide's birthday in 2003 they performed at the famous Club Psyence. The following year, they released their first album. The album sold well in both Japan and overseas, despite the fact it was only advertised on the internet.

Since then, the band hasn’t released anything new. They played occasionally at big metal festivals and events, but after a while these performances seemed to cease and it seemed that Taiji is concentrating on his solo work nowadays.

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