

27/05/2009 2009-05-27 19:16:01 KoME Author: Ruka



© Rui Hashimoto - Eleven-Thirtyeight co.,ltd.
SUNS OWL formed in 1994 with guitarist SAB and drummer GO. After vocalist MZM joined them the next year, they changed their name to SUNS OWL and began to perform consistently. Bassist SHIGE joined the band in 1996.

Their first album, SCREAMING THE FIVE SENSE, was released in August 1998. The next year their single OVER came out and they did a nationwide tour in the fall. Bassist SATOO (ex-LEAF) joined in May 2000, bringing the band to its strongest line-up.

A highlight for the group was their participation in the first loud sound festival in Japan, BEAST FEAST 2001, which won them exposure to an audience of over 30,000 people over a two day period. They returned to play in BEAST FEAST 2002 the following year after winning first place in an audience poll.

After many tours, omnibus participation, and releases, the group began to turn their attention overseas. Their first overseas album was the Australian release of their album RECHARGED, which was followed up with a tour of eight cities in Australia.

SUNS OWL faced some troubling times around this period. Bassist SATOO fell ill in 2002 and as his condition worsened the band canceled some of their shows, preferring to wait for his recovery rather than use a substitute. After struggling with the illness for over a year, in February 2004, SATOO passed away. On August 12, a tribute to SATOO was held, where 11 bands that were close to him gathered and played for over a thousand people. At the tribute, SUNS OWL played for the first time in nearly two years.

In 2005, SUNS OWL traveled to the United States and performed at the music and film festival, SXWS, in Austin, signaling their revival. They also welcomed a new member, bassist MOMO. That year they put out a best-of album, Liefe, which they celebrated with a nationwide tour, entitled Liefe Release. In 2007, their live DVD with footage from that tour went on sale.

In April 2007, bassist MOMO left the band and was replaced by BITCH, who was still playing with Geronimo and UNDOWN at the time. He played with SUNS OWL until April of 2008, after which programmer NO-RE became the bassist while retaining his position as programmer, turning the quintet into a quartet.

Although it has been three years since their last release, this June will see a new SUNS OWL full album, Over Drive. In July, the band will be traveling to Paris to play at the huge Japanese cultural festival, Japan Expo.

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