
Interview with DAZZLE VISION

13/03/2014 2014-03-13 00:01:00 KoME Author: Tomo

Interview with DAZZLE VISION

JaME met with DAZZLE VISION's Maiko and Takuro before the release of their new album, FINAL ATTACK.

© DAZZLE VISION / Nazo, inc.
JaME had the opportunity to conduct an in-person interview with DAZZLE VISION’s Maiko and Takuro on February 15th, the day after a snow storm in Tokyo. Although the other band members could not make it because of heavy snowfall, the siblings shared their thoughts about the band’s upcoming new album, the new guitarist audition, and even Valentine’s Day memories.

Can you please introduce yourself? Also, has there been a memorable Valentine’s Day for you in the past?

Maiko: My name is Maiko, and I am the vocalist. On one Valentine’s Day, I gave chocolates to five different boys by actually visiting their houses when I was a primary school kid. I was too young to have romantic feelings at that time, so I could do such thing.
Takuro: My name is Takuro. I am the bassist and actually am an older brother to Maiko. A lot of people say she is my older sister, but she is my little sister. I received a lot of chocolates in my childhood.
Maiko: And I ate a lot of them!
Takuro: One Valentine’s Day my classmate in primary school actually gave me a handmade blue muffler. My birthday is on February 16th, so it was a sweet Valentine birthday gift. I wore it everyday when I went to school.

Your upcoming new album’s title is FINAL ATTACK. How did you come up with the title name and message? And how would you describe the overall theme of the album?

Maiko: I had the privilege of singing a theme song for a world famous RPG game, so we designed the album jacket cover by taking elements from the game. We first decided this album’s concept to be “ATTACK” and already had two songs before the recording. For new songs, we put RPG game-like titles and wrote songs based on themes like bravery, adventure, and encouragement.

For this album, you chose to take an electro-screamo-pop style. Each of them seems to be a different music genre. What made you decide to adopt such a musical style for your new album?

Takuro: One of the main reasons is because our guitarist TONY brought an electro-screamo-pop-style music and we really liked it. It’s a really new and different musical style for us. We wanted to show a new style of music that would fit the album concept.

Maiko, how do you practice your scream? Do you have your own special training method?

Maiko: I actually had surgery on my throat and needed to develop a new style of shouting. Before the surgery, I breathed out my shout. For this album, I am using a shouting method by breathing in and then out. It would sound different and new to listeners. There is a shouting style I can no longer use, but I reinvented myself.

There will be a final open audition for a new guitarist at your one-man live on March 28th. Did you decide to add a new guitarist for the band’s next stage?

Maiko: Our guitarist TONY is very resourceful, as he can play piano and also compose programming. We thought playbacks would be ok, but it would be even better to add more possibilities with someone playing the guitar while TONY is on piano. Also, because we had to change our guitarist five times in the past, we thought it would be great to have support guitarists in all places in Japan.
Takuro: At first, we were like, “Let’s give that idea a try”, but I was amazed at how passionate and serious all the candidates are. We are really honored by such an enthusiastic response, and definitely look forward to seeing them at the final audition on March 28th.

How did your live performances overseas and collaborations with foreign bands, likes Evanescence, inspire you?

Takuro: Fans overseas have a different communication style than Japanese fans. Their directness and enthusiasm really made me confident. Also, we had an opportunity to be the opening act for Evanescence last year. I was amazed at how frank and kind they were offstage. I think musicians in such a big band like them have great character as well. I learned from them that building character is very important to being a good musician.
Maiko: I love the enthusiasm and passion of fans overseas as well. I still remember when we first visited the United States. I saw a fan who was so nervous to see us. It overwhelms me to see such pureness from people. I wonder how they could even find me in the first place. Also, I listened to Evanescence before I started with my band, and I was so happy to be the opening act for their shows in Japan. I gave our album to Amy Lee, and days after, I had the rest of Evanescence members asking me for copies. I was so delighted and encouraged by their response.

Do you plan to have a live show abroad in the future?

Takuro: One day I would love to have shows in Europe. We will keep doing our best to make our music known worldwide and establish a foundation for us to be able to perform in different countries.
Maiko: I have a lot of overseas friends through Facebook and receive a lot of messages asking us to come and perform in their countries. Right now we do not have anything official yet but would love to go in the future. I love travelling and would love to visit Mexico. I was amazed to hear there are so many fans in Mexico, and one day I would love to have an opportunity to do a show there.

Dazzle Vision is contributing the song Hate to SADS RESPECT ALBUM “M”, which will be released on March 26th. How did SADS, Kuroyume, and Kiyoharu inspire your musical career?

Maiko: I saw his interview on a television show. I was particularly impressed by hearing him say that “a vocalist needs to be ready to sing in any moment and any situation”. Back then I had a polyp on my throat and it was actually hard for me to even speak. I really admired his professionalism as a singer. I heard Kiyoharu actually found us through YouTube and invited us to contribute to the album. It is such an honor.
Takuro: I was in a cover band of Kuroyume’s before I started with DAZZLE VISION, and we actually covered Like @ Angel. I never thought I would be able to cover his band’s song in this way.

What would you like to say to your overseas fans?

Takuro: We definitely enjoy watching you guys singing our songs in internet videos and want to see more of them. We are planning to communicate with you guys more through internet broadcasting.

Maiko: I am very thankful to receive kind messages from all over the world and would love to visit your countries. Please continue to support us! Thank you!

JaME would like to thank Maiko and Takuro for their time and DAZZLE VISION’s management and RESONANCE Media for this opportunity.

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