Live Report

Angelo Presents [the intersection of dogma] at Zepp DiverCity

09/02/2015 2015-02-09 00:01:00 KoME Author: Amke

Angelo Presents [the intersection of dogma] at Zepp DiverCity

At Zepp DiverCity Angelo, joined by lynch., FAKE?, D'ESPAIRSRAY and RIZE, filled the night with rock.

© Angelo
Angelo, along with four other bands, are playing at Zepp DiverCity. The concert sold out long ago and on the day itself many fans are walking around in the shopping center, wearing shirts and carrying merchandise from each of the bands. The big surprise with this combination of acts was the announcement that D’ESPAIRSRAY will be playing.

The doors open later than expected, the crowd have to wait until six o’clock before they can finally enter the venue. The hall fills up quickly, people waiting and chatting till the hall darkens and a small intro video starts playing. The crowd burst out screaming and yelling the moment they see D’ESPAIRSRAY appear on the screen. The curtains open and the band immediately start off with their classic Garnet. The audience clap along, doing furitsuke and headbanging during the refrain. Hizumi’s voice sounds the same as when they were together, not holding back on the grunting and screaming.

They continue with DEATH POINT and DEVIL’S PARADE from their final album Monsters, released in 2010. Tsukasa's drumming is fast-paced and it soon becomes apparent that his timing with the other members is still perfect. The floor shakes as the audience jump with Hizumi, putting their hands up in the air. MIRROR closes the set, the audience shout "hey" along with the music and the members headbang, walking up to the very front of the stage, close to the audience, and playing their hearts out. Shortly after the song ends, they head to the back. Their short return to the stage definitely showed that they still have what it takes.

It’s FAKE?'s turn next, and six people walk onto the stage as the curtains open, the vocalist wearing a mask. Starting with Hedfuc, Ken dances around on stage. In no time, the crowd have their hands up in the air, completely into the music. The band sparks energy, moving around while playing and addressing the audience. FAKE? show everyone what rock music is about. PABLO’s guitar riffs are rough and loud, distortion is used to bend the sound. Ken removes his mask at the end of the song and the drums start off the second song Someday. U-ZO's basslines add to the sound before the rest of the members join in, completing another edgy rock song.

After a short MC, the DJ starts off with a catchy beat, creating a danceable rock track. The raw vocals create contrast with the smooth beat in the chorus, the verse is softer and Ken sings with a clear and slightly higher voice. The audience dances along with the music eagerly. FAKE? offer a clear break with the previous band in terms of style, creating a completely different atmosphere. It’s less heavy, but high on energy. They end their set with a bang, with the bassist jumping along in the audience to Radio’s Dead.

lynch. is introduced next and the crowd claps along with the intro music. The band immediately starts off with EXODUS, the first song on the mini-album of the same name that the band released in 2013. They continue with Devil from their latest album Gallows, a catchy but also heavy song. Vocalist Hazuki dances and continues to move actively around the stage during the song, while singing in a clear but deep voice. The dancing is replaced by headbanging during the heavy parts, the guitars and basslines are low but solid and the audience mirror his movements, matching the music.

After a short MC, lynch. start back up with an illusion and high tones fill the venue. A heavy beat fits the melody and the audience, who recognize the song immediately, start clapping along. While the verse is calm, the chorus is much heavier. Yusuke skillfully strums the guitar, creating the familiar high-pitched tones and Reo continues with a solo that's slower but matches the earlier guitar part. There’s room for the audience to participate, and they sing along a little during MIRRORS but mostly keep their hands up in the air or headbang along. However, in what seems like no time at all, seven songs have been played and the band members, after thanking the crowd, leave the stage.

Then it's time to switch over to RIZE, a rock band that mixes several different styles into their music and makes them their own. The song KAMI starts with a funky and distinctive rhythm, the high-pitched guitar melody contrasting with the fast rhythm. JESSE starts rapping while bassist KenKen jumps up and down, picking the snares, continuing the catchy rhythm. Soon after, ZERO starts up and KenKen moves with big strides around the stage, slapping his bass with his long hair flowing everywhere. JESSE raps in Japanese, mixing some English into it, and creates a nice flow with the rhythm and the distorted guitar sound.

RIZE close their set with Kaminari, a song that puts KenKen into the spotlight instrumentally. With a rough beat, he starts the song and the others fill in, completing the sound. JESSE screams out the lyrics over the loud and rough rock music. The crowd move a lot to the song. During the whole song the bass parts are easily recognizable. The drummer changes pace, and during this break a guy from the audience is pulled onstage and stands next to the vocalist. They both sing for a bit, the audience flinging their fists into the air. Not long after, JESSE jumps into the audience, floating on the crowd before joining the others back onstage and finishing the song with a bang.

Finally, it’s time for Angelo, the band that organized this diverse show. The crowd claps along with the intro music and one by one the members walk onto the stage, with the last one to appear being Kirito. The audience shout ‘hey’, hands up in the air as the band starts FAITH. The vocalist immediately shows what he can do with his voice as he nails the long exclaims. The spotlight is on him while he dances around the stage.

Many of the songs feature hand movements, and most of the fans know them by heart and show the band their dedication. Aside from that, there are plenty of moments where fans shout, headbang, jump till the floor trembles or thrust their fists up into the air. Angelo know how to get the crowd involved. Colorful lights fill the hall as the pop-rock song Shinapusu starts. Fans immediately sing along, and, singing in the spotlight, Kirito shows that he’s a born frontman.

After a short break, it’s time for the last song REBORN. Kohta, now in the spotlight, starts the easily recognizable bass part. The song starts heavy but the verse is composed, like the calm before the storm, as the rough refrain crashes in and make the crowd move. Just before the song ends, members from the other bands join Angelo onstage, singing parts of the song and entertaining the crowd, unifying the evening.

Altogether, having five bands with such different sounds perform together on one night created an especially well-balanced show. All of the bands have a rock sound in common, but all with a different twist and worldview. Each band gave a unique performance and created a different atmosphere, building upon each other to create a truly special evening.

Set List:

1. Garnet

1. Hedfuc
2. Someday
3. Lucifer’s Cut
4. Everglow
5. Radio’s Dead

4. an illusion

5. Gun Shot
6. Kaminari

2. RIP
3. Script Error
6. Shinapusu

