Live Report

FLiP, androp and SCANDAL at Zepp DiverCity

20/01/2016 2016-01-20 00:01:00 KoME Author: Amke

FLiP, androp and SCANDAL at Zepp DiverCity

Three bands take the stage at the second night at TIMM, filling the evening with a plethora of rock sounds.

The opening act for the second night of TIMM are FLiP, an all-female pop-rock band. The girls immediately show boundless enthusiasm onstage and get the crowd to move with the music. FLiP mostly produce powerful rock with a sweet edge, but in JEREMY, the girls show they can make a groovy sound, too. Frontwoman Sachiko’s voice isn’t conventional and has an edge to it that makes the music more interesting. The guitar and bass lines are clear and easy to hear. The members of FLiP don’t move much while playing, but the colourful lightshow compensates.

In no time at all, it’s already their last song, and they show in their final minutes what a connected and funny band they can be. The music is upbeat and catchy, with guitarist Yuko and her bandmates moving to the drums, so it’s not just drummer Yuumi but the whole band playing the instrument. Meanwhile, Yuumi decides to leave them to it, taking a microphone and starting up a call-and-response with the audience.

The music’s tempo builds at the end draws nearer, and Yuumi gets back behind the drum kit so the others can resume playing their own parts. Ending with acapella singing, FLiP immediately retreat backstage to make way for the next band.

Set List:

1.. Wonderland
4. Heisei Jurassic

Not long after the end of FLiP’s set, the intro for four-man rock band androp starts. The audience immediately starts clapping along with the beat, and the stage lights flash at the same pace. One by one, the members walk onstage and get ready for their first number: Voice. A pounding electronic beat starts this upbeat song, and the audience happily join in with clapping. In no time, androp has the crowd jumping with hands in the air.

Guitarist Sato Takuya moves to a keyboard as World.Words.Lights starts, the tune’s uptempo electro beat contrasting with the soft, slow singing of vocalist Uchisawa Takahito. The melody builds up on the keyboard and the lack of the guitar is apparent. The band shows a whole different side of themselves, and their sound, breaking the pattern set by previous songs. Suddenly, the disco ball above the stage starts moving and lights the whole venue.

The next songs follow Voice’s lead; Takuya’s guitar makes a return, and androp start moving around the stage more. The layers in the songs are good to hear, especially during the chorus of Run, where every instrument has a really distinct sound.

The band shows a continuity in style and performance, their songs are easily recognized. androp don’t take much time between songs for MCs - the songs follow each other in quick succession, and although the set doesn’t feel rushed, it’s very quickly time for the quartetr’s last song. This starts with a high-toned melody accompanied by the refrain “Yeah, yeah, yeah!” This is also the song’s name. The number has an upbeat, carefree vibe, and with the crowd being really into the tune, jumping and clapping along, androp’s party ends with a blast.

Set List:
1. Voice
2. From here
3. Bell
4. Shout
5. World.Words.Lights
6. Dreamer
7. MirrorDance
8. Run
9. One
10. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

SCANDAL, another all-female rock band, is the night's closing act. and they’re ready to entertain the audience with their energetic, easy-on-the-ear pop-rock tunes. Before long, the crowd are engrossed by the music, swinging along to set opener Stamp!.

In EVERYBODY SAY YEAH!, the vocals alternate between frontwoman HARUNA and bassist TOMOMI, giving the song extra depth. After a splendid guitar solo, the audience are spoken to. First, SCANDAL have all the girls in the crowd jump, and then the guys. The band clearly knows how to amuse the audience and involve them in the show, such as during DOLL, when they swing their towels at certain moments during the song.

The girls also join the fun with some synchronised choreography while playing. After the MC, HARUNA announces they will now play their newest song Sisters, released in September. The tune has a light, summery vibe, and MAMI's acoustic guitar parts fit well with the atmosphere they want to create.

SCANDAL are the only band to have an encore tonight, and they give it their all. They have a quick MC with the audience, asking them if they’re enjoying the show before hitting off with their very last song: Awanaitsumorino, genkidene. This is a song their fanbase knows by heart. With an advanced light show that anticipates the movements of the audience, flashing when the crowd jumps, SCANDAL end the second night of TIMM in spectacular fashion.

Set List:

1. Stamp!
4. Shunkan Sentimental
5. Shojo S
6. Kagen no tsuki
7. Sisters
8. Your song
9. Image

10. Awanaitsumorino, genkidene


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