
Interview with Satsuki

20/06/2016 2016-06-20 00:01:00 KoME Author: Leila

Interview with Satsuki

Satsuki spoke to JaME before his concert in Stockholm.

© Iona Rosin / Satsuki
What’s your impression of Sweden so far?

Satsuki: It’s my first time in Sweden, but I think it’s beautiful here. I drank some Swedish juice and it was more delicious than in Japan. (laughs) It shows that the fruit is of good quality here.

This tour is longer than usual. How does it feel to travel for so long?

Satsuki: It’s tough, I’m busy but it’s also fun – fun to meet many different people.

So far, which place has made the strongest impression on you?

Satsuki: That’s a hard question. I can’t judge that yet, but I hope Sweden will become a favorite. I caught a cold a while ago. I’m well now! But it was the first time I got sick in Europe and the bacteria is so much stronger… I went to a doctor, but it wasn’t anything serious. However, a lot of people got worried.

When did you get interested in music and feel it was something you’d like to do?

Satsuki: I was about four or five years old when I first wanted to become a singer. The idea came from watching TV. I wanted to stand out. I joined the choir in elementary school. During puberty, when I went through a voice change, I didn’t want my voice to change and get darker. I was a soprano singer, and because of that I really tried to make my voice not change. I think that’s why I still have a pretty light voice.

You started out as the vocalist in the visual kei band Rentrer en Soi and then went solo. The music and the lyrics are very different; your solo work has a more romantic touch while Rentrer en Soi could be rather brutal.

Satsuki: My lyrics depend on my mood, they don’t hold any special meaning. I write based on my mood.

Do you ever miss playing in a band, or do you prefer being a solo artist?

Satsuki: It’s just me. (laughs) I like playing in a band, but now it’s just me and my will. I miss it sometimes, but now I don’t have to think about others.

Your new album, EPOCALIPSE, comprising ECLIPSE and APOCALYPSE, is a bit darker than your previous material. What inspired you and which are your favorite songs?

Satsuki: My inspiration was American progressive rock, and my favorite songs are BURNING OUT from APOCALYPSE and BERSERK from ECLIPSE. With this album I want to convey strength, break out! (laughs)

On this album you’re working with the producers Enos is Back. How come you decided to?

Satsuki: They’re Belgian producers. I went on a training camp during a week. For real! I worked out, ate protein and recorded. Too Wild introduced me to them. I asked if they knew any producers I could work with.

The visual part of your performance has toned down. Have you left that behind you?

Satsuki: I’m not bored of it, but every day I was thinking “What is Satsuki?” I want to be natural and focus on the music, less on make-up and costumes. I want you to judge my music and not my appearance. I hope the audience will like it. I think the listeners will understand my goal.

Last year you released the single ARTEMIS. Artemis, Diana and Selene are all moon goddesses. Your name, Satsuki, is written partly with the kanji for moon. The moon seems to be a repeating theme.

Satsuki: I came up with that concept when I decided to become a musician. The moon is a metaphor, it shines in the dark. I want you to feel that there is light in the darkness when you listen to my music. That is why the moon is a repeating theme.

Through Facebook you’ve spread ‘GOMI Mosaic Art.’ Can you tell us a bit about that?

Satsuki: Mount Fuji is one of Japan’s heritage sites, but it will be ruined because of trash. I want to change that with my music. Everybody likes Paris because it’s beautiful, but there’s garbage everywhere! I wanted to do something with my fans and that is why we arranged ‘gomi no hi’, garbage day. This year it took place in Paris. What fans do is collect garbage and take a picture of it, send that picture to the project’s Facebook page, and then all those pictures are mounted into one picture of me. The theme song for the project is ROMANCE from my album LUMINOUS.

Finally, do you have a message for our readers?

Satsuki: I’m Satsuki. I hope I’ll return to Sweden again, so please remember my name. Listen to my album and buy it. Since I painted the cover you can decorate your home with it. Don’t download it, so you can enjoy the cover!

JaME would like to thank Satsuki, Too Wild and Nyanko Scandal Factory for making the interview possible.

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