
amaterase Video Comment

11/12/2018 2018-12-11 00:01:00 KoME Author: polina Translator: polina

amaterase Video Comment

amaterase talk about their upcoming one-man show, review 2018 and outline their plans for the next year.

© amaterase
The visual kei unit amaterase, whose sound includes a peculiar mix of ethnic Japanese and modern electronic elements, are getting ready for their end-of-year two-part one-man show on December 22nd at Shinyokohama NEW SIDE BEACH. In their video message for JaME, vocalist Akira and guitarist Daishi talk about their one-man show, review 2018 and outline their plans for the next year.

*English subtitles are available. Please enable subtitles/captions if required.

amaterase will be uploading live clips to their official YouTube channel, so check them out at

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