Interview Exclusive

Interview with Cazqui's Brutal Orchestra

08/02/2023 2023-02-08 01:00:00 KoME Author: Coco Translator (EN-JP): Sophie Translator (JP-EN): Ryan Wong

Interview with Cazqui's Brutal Orchestra

Guitarist Cazqui introduces his "Brutal Orchestra" and discusses the project's future plans.

© Cazqui's Brutal Orchestra. All rights reserved.
In 2019, ex-NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST guitarist Cazqui gathered six talented musicians around him to start an innovative project combining heavy guitars with violin scores, in a dramatic setting rounded out by bold visual kei looks. After releasing a few songs, their first performance in November 2022 marked the kick-off for live activities, which will continue with their first official performance at Shinjuku BLAZE, which fans will be able to attend for free on March 7th.

Just before the New Year, JaME had the chance to chat with Cazqui about the project's start, its recent releases and his future plans for his "Brutal Orchestra".

For any readers unfamiliar with this project, how would you describe the sound of Cazqui’s Brutal Orchestra?

Cazqui: I think you’d get a quick taste of our music by watching the MV for THE BUTTON EYES.

You and Daichi were also bandmates in NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST. How did you start making music together again?

Cazqui: Well, we’ve been playing together in a guitar duo called CHAPTER OF PARADOSIS (COP) since 2017. COP is fundamentally just “a breather for two people in the same group”, so it only works when there is a "main plot" to the music. After the global pandemic ended, rather than pursuing COP as the both of us, we thought it would be more sincere to the fans if we presented ourselves as “twin guitars in a group”. Since we decided we would invite Daichi to join the Cazqui’s Brutal Orchestra crew at some point, we put COP on hiatus and focused on the project with our staff behind closed doors.

You have Kanata Yumishiro, a violinist, as part of your crew, which is fairly rare for such a heavy project. What inspired you to add this instrument to your orchestra?

Cazqui: I’ve always wanted to make music together with Kanata Yumishiro so I reached out to him in the past, and it's also because I wanted to make loud music that involves a violinist. Also, in my teenage years, I loved listening to Metallica’s live album S&M which incorporated an orchestra and the pop punk band Yellow Card, which had a violinist, and I get my inspiration from things like that.

Cazqui’s Brutal Orchestra has also gathered members from bands like JILUKA and DEXCORE. How did you choose the rest of your “orchestra crew”?

Cazqui: I feel that the contrast DEXCORE vocalist Kagami’s voice provides really blends in well with Cazqui’s Brutal Orchestra’s music, while bassist Boogie and drummer Zyean have always been a talented rhythm section, so I thought this would be a perfect combination. The manipulator, Velladon, is also well-versed in handling all kinds of instruments and noises, and I feel like he shares the same mindset as us.

What are your goals for Cazqui’s Brutal Orchestra?

Cazqui: To be a “band that never ends”.

The project was founded shortly before the pandemic. Was it hard to connect with the members during the time when citizens were asked to refrain from going out? How did you approach working together during that time?

Cazqui: We’d never performed live together as CBO before, and we’d also had no rehearsals, so I ended up deciding the rough images for most of the instruments in demos. Since I’m able to share this data online with the crew to help them perform their parts, I didn’t feel too many physical obstacles caused by the pandemic.

Do you write all the songs yourself, including the lyrics? Do you have any help from the “crew”?

Cazqui: I create demos which form the base of the music, but during recordings with the crew everyone chips in with awesome ideas which I often end up incorporating into the music, so they’re really dependable.

Are there any particular music artists or genres you are inspired by?

Cazqui: COALTAR OF THE DEEPERS (NARASAKI), school food punishment, as well as all of visual kei and loud music really inspire me.

So far, you have only one official music video, THE BUTTON EYES. What is the theme of this song, and what did you want to express with the video?

Cazqui: I’d like to leave you to interpret the theme of the song yourself after watching the MV. With regards to the musicality, I wanted it to reflect the unique Cazqui style as well as its evolution; it has a hidden trap music beat to it.

THE BUTTON EYES is not as heavy as the previous track you released, OSWALD. Is this a hint that the direction of your sound is changing?

Cazqui: THE BUTTON EYES was written right after OSWALD, and since I personally get sick of listening to just heavy songs all the time, I really wanted a song like THE BUTTON EYES after OSWALD to provide a sense of balance.

Who designed the costumes for the THE BUTTON EYES music video?

Cazqui: The design was based on ideas between the staff team and I, which our long-time stylist Rion then helped bring to life in our costumes.

Do you have plans to release more new music soon?

Cazqui: At a recent concert we filmed a live music video for Debris together with the fans, and we're working on completing that now. This time the breakdown is super heavy; it’ll break your heads!

On November 19th, you played a concert called LIVE 000 ‘Dēmonstration’. How did it feel to be on stage together with your orchestra crew? What was the reaction from the audience like?

Cazqui: It was great fun and the crowd was really lively too! I’m thankful to everyone who was there.

Your first official show with the crew members from the MV is planned for March 7th, 2023. What can fans look forward to from that concert?

Cazqui: They can look forward to seeing a concert by the same seven members from the MV, all for free!

It must be difficult to schedule more than a few shows at a time with a crew consisting of members of so many active bands. Can fans hope to see a tour one day?

Cazqui: Of course, if our listeners so desire!

Do you have any interest in performing overseas with this project? If so, assuming you could play anywhere in the world, where would you most want to go?

Cazqui: It’d be nice if we could perform again in places I visited in past overseas tours, like in Europe, China, Taiwan and so on.

Please leave a message for your fans around the world.

Cazqui: You guys are the best! Look forward to the new release.

JaME would like to thank Cazqui's Brutal Orchestra for this interview opportunity.

Fans in Japan can catch Cazqui's Brutal Orchestra's next live for free at Shinjuku BLAZE on March 7th. Details on how to take part in this event are available (in Japanese) here.

For more updates about Cazqui's activities, keep your eye on his official website.

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Cazqui's Brutal Orchestra © Cazqui's Brutal Orchestra. All rights reserved.
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