
Interview with Guitar Wolf in Germany

08/08/2007 2007-08-08 12:00:00 KoME Author: Finja Translator: Kay

Interview with Guitar Wolf in Germany

After their last German concert of their Euro Tour 2007, JaME had the chance to have a short interview with Guitar Wolf.

© Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc. All Rights Reserved.
On June 28th, 2007, Guitar Wolf played the last concert of their Euro Tour 2007 in Cologne. As always, the mood was elated; the band gave their all (though this time without the characteristic wolf howls at the beginning of the show) and the fans were enthusiastic. Both the audience and the band had a lot of fun both with stage diving and with classic songs such as JET GENERATION. Even the calmer spectators were unable to stay silent, and danced to the hard sounds of Guitar Wolf.

The concert ended with three encores, amongst them a solo performance of singer and guitarist Seiji, who showed his affection for the audience with the song I love you, okay. A little later he left the stage with a loud “Adios, Amigos!” and spontaneously made some time to have an interview with JaME, which, thanks to the late hour, language barrier and the alcohol consumption, was somewhat complicated, but the end result shows what a good natured band Guitar Wolf is.

First we talked to Seiji only, who looked clearly relaxed and content. He offered us a beer and a little chat.


Seiji, that you performed at the J-SHOCK event was a big surprise. What do you think about having your band included in a mostly visual line-up?
Seiji: Yes yes… That it was. Well, we were very surprised and annoyed. But it was… BAM! FIRE! We met the other bands for the first time, they were very kind to us, but I believe we weren’t so kind to them (laughs).

Oh? What happened?
Seiji: (laughs devilish) Secret…

I see. Did you see any of the other bands' concerts?
Seiji: No! Wait, yes…! The last one!

An Cafe?
Seiji: No, no, no! The third!

Ah, Girugämesh. And, what do you think about their music?
Seiji: Yes, that one! Girugämesh! Oh… Their music is very different from ours…

What kind of impressions have you gotten from this event?
Seiji: We are surprised that the music from the visual kei genre is so popular over here. J-SHOCK-…
(Bassist U.G. enters the room, followed by the drummer Toru, and starts to roar euphorically)

How did it happen that you played on this event?
Seiji: No idea… We can’t explain that either (laughs).

What do you like about Germany?
Seiji: In Germany, all are friends!

Can you say something in German?
Seiji: Hm… DANKE SCHÖN! (Thank you very much). (Seiji says a few romantic phrases in English, and claims that he knows these in German too)

What is your best memory of Germany?
Seiji: It was this town, I forgot the name, anyhow, it was not on this tour. Well, there was this girl with a poster saying “Marry me, Seiji!” (laughs)

Ah, and did you marry her?
Seiji: No, nothing came from it unfortunately.

Did you have any bad experiences here?
Seiji: Hm… (the band discusses the question, and a detailed discussion in Japanese starts, in which the word ‘Stuttgart’ is said. After a long time, Toru stands up and strikes a Hitler pose) One time all of us did that during the encore of a concert (points at Toru).

Really? Why so?
Seiji: (laughs a little) Well, German and Japan are the best… (he hints at the relation between the two countries during the Second World War)

Which places in Germany do you like in particular?
Seiji: The Reeperbahn was great! (the red light district)

So what did you do there?
Seiji: Ah… It was very interesting (laughs). Ah yes, I also like the airports, they are very like the ones in Japan, structured very well.

And what else did you like? The food?
Seiji: My favourite food is this! (points at a bottle of Becks beer)

That’s no food...
Seiji: SURE IT IS! That’s MY food!

Do you know any German bands?
Toru: Nena! (laughs) Oh, and I like Kraftwerk.

They are cool!
Toru: Yes, I like their Music very much.

Seiji, if you could interview yourself, which questions would you ask?
Seiji: NONE! (laughs)
Toru: Definitely what type of girl he likes most… (laughs)

And who’s that?
Seiji: Natassja Kinski!

Ah, there’s a staffmember. Do you feel like answering some questions as well?
Seiji: Yes, yes, yes! Do an interview too! (laughs)

Okay, so we’ve seen that you have a lot to do. Isn’t it a very tough job, to be the only one responsible during and after the show?
Staffmember: Hm, of course it’s hard. But it’s fun and it’s really cheerful, Guitar Wolf is a grand band, it’s my pleasure! (laughs). They are my brothers...
U.G.: (bursts out in laughter) Hahaha, BROTHERS! (Seiji leaves the room momentarily)

Ah no, now I chased him away. I’m sad, Seiji is gone!
U.G.: Why? Why? WHY? Oh! I know German too! (in German:) Can I sleep with you? (He repeats the phrase various times with a beaming smile)

Your German is very good, but we would like to move on… Your movie Wild Zero is a cult movie, and on your homepage it says that you are planning to continue it and are looking for sponsors. Have you already found someone?
Toru: We want to make the movie for sure, but we don’t have any sponsors. We don’t have any money, do you want to sponsor us?

We are also poor, but we can offer you 5 euro, if that’s enough?
Toru: (delighted by the offer) Okay! But, well, I think that doesn’t work out…

Do you have an idea at all? Will it be a movie with zombies and aliens again?
Toru: Yeah, Seiji has an idea. But no, it will be something different.
Seiji: Time will tell. I was thinking about a time tunnel and a fight against zombies, but special zombies! FIGHT! (Toru and U.G. laugh)

Do you have any favourite characters from Wild Zero? Next to yourself, of course.
Toru: Well, it probably doesn’t interest anyone but me, but a friend of mine played the role of a zombie. My buddy was underneath all the make-up, that was great!

Oh! Will he participate again in the second part?
Toru: Hopefully!

What places would you recommend a rock’n’roll fan visit when they go to your home country Japan?
Toru: Hm… Hard to tell, do you know Shibuya? Shibuya is great, it has a few cool clubs. Seiji likes Harajuku.

What bands have influenced you in your childhood?
Seiji: My motorcycle!

No no, we mean bands or musicians!
Seiji: Ah, I see! Elvis Presley! Bruce Lee has also influenced me.

And what present-day music do you like?
Seiji: Elvis Presley!

Elvis is dead...
Seiji: No, Elvis is alive! We met him yesterday.

Alright then! What did you think of your performance tonight?
Seiji: We liked it a lot, we are truly happy to have played here.

Seiji, after the concert you also did a solo-encore, do you always do this?
Seiji: No, I don’t do that all the time. By the way, the title of the song is “I love you, okay!” (He repeats the title various times and seems to be quite happy with it.)

Thank you very much for the interview!
Seiji: Thank you too!
U.G.: Bye!
Toru: See you! Come to Tokyo!

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J-SHOCK 2007

Interview with Guitar Wolf in Germany © Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Interview with Guitar Wolf in Germany

After their last German concert of their Euro Tour 2007, JaME had the chance to have a short interview with Guitar Wolf.

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