
L,DEAR - like a falling finale...

05/10/2008 2008-10-05 12:00:00 KoME Author: Anu

L,DEAR - like a falling finale...

Visual band L,DEAR took a classical approach on their third single.

Single CDS

like a falling finale...


L,DEAR's third single, like a falling finale..., is a small 8cm disc consisting of only one song, the title track. On closer inspection, the song reveals to be a work of art at almost 20 minutes, which makes the original price of about ¥1000 seem much more reasonable.

like a falling finale... starts with a dream-like piano melody and calm vocals. The song noticeably gathers strength while proceeding, yet the vocals are still kept in the foreground. TOTTO's singing is beautiful and absorbing, which is often a necessity for songs that rely on the vocalist to succeed.

The melody continues and gets more personality as it pursues its own road, tightly grabbing the listener on the journey. Later on, the guitars join in during the most powerful part of the song - the symphonic culmination - while the original harmony still exists in the middle of it all. At about eight minutes in, the song quiets down once again and continues to the very end with a classical style.

The single is rather convincing, and L,DEAR makes a notable achievement in creating music close to being classical without sounding artificial or boring. The composer YOUSUKE, vocalist TOTTO and all of the band members deserve appreciation for their work with L,DEAR, which has several interesting pieces in their discography.

For the ones who enjoy emphatic ballads, like a falling finale... is a perfect for listening to during the quiet moments. That, if nothing else, is a conventional tribute to the roots of music.

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