
Interview with Dio - distraught overlord

27/12/2008 2008-12-27 12:00:00 KoME Author: Katrin & Matron Translator: Katrin

Interview with Dio - distraught overlord

JaME interviewed the young visual kei band before their European tour final in Finland.

© JaME
JaME had the chance to interview Dio - distraught overlord before their concert in Finland. Vocalist Mikaru, bassist ivy and drummer denka joined us to talk about the European tour, first album and official fanclub.

Hello, we represent JaME. Thank you for your time.

(Members nod)

Most of our readers already know who you are, so could you please introduce the member sitting next to you by saying one positive and one negative fact about him?

ivy: Our vocalist Mikaru is like a big brother to me, and he can handle the cold air around here very well. The negative side of him is his selfishness. (Mikaru laughs)

Mikaru: denka plays the drums. He's a very sweet person, but when he's not interested in anything, doing that certain thing is absolutely out of the question.

denka: Our bassist ivy is very understanding, the most understanding of the whole band. He's extremely interested in what other people are up to and how they are doing, but when you ask him about his personal affairs, he doesn't want to reveal them or even talk about them.

Your first album DICTATOR will be released soon. What can we expect from the new songs? What are they like?

Mikaru: Half of the songs on the album are new recordings of old songs.

denka: We want our fans to notice the progress we've made so far by hearing the new versions of the old songs. Of course the new songs have a new aspect of Dio for everyone to hear.

ivy: I feel like DICTATOR has opened new doors and brought new opportunities to the band!

The album release was postponed and it will be released nine days later. Could you tell us why?

Mikaru: I flew to the moon and the trip was so long that the album is late because of that! (everyone laughs)

You will be performing in the United States this month in Onicon? It will be your first time in the US. What do you think about this? Are you excited?

denka: America is a well known place and it's music scene is different than anywhere else, so naturally we are very grateful for this opportunity. We are a little nervous, but our enthusiasm is greater!

You played new songs in Germany. Will we be hearing some new songs tonight?

Mikaru: We haven't actually even planned our set list for today yet! (Laughs) But it is certain that you'll hear some new songs tonight!

Today' concert is the tour final. Are you tired? What has the tour been like?

ivy: My body may be tired but my mind is still perky. At least before the show! (Laughs)

Mikaru: I have gotten used to this tour life, playing a concert after another.. To be honest, I don't want to go back to Japan and back to normal life. I want the touring to keep going!

denka: The tour has been long, but now it seems it went by so quickly.

Your outfits match and they always follow the same theme. Who designs your outfits and do you ever participate in the designing process?

Mikaru: We decide on the theme of the outfits first and then each of us sketches their own outfit.

ivy: We draw our own scetches of the outfits on paper.

But you don't make them yourself do you?

denka: (laughs) Of course not! Professional dressmakers make the actual outfits.

You visited Finland earlier this year. Is this visit any different than the last one and will you do anything differently during tonight's show than last time?

Mikaru: We of course have to offer the audience something new today. If there are people who are seeing us for the second time, we must give them something new! And this time, like last time, it's the tour final and tour finals always stay in our minds as special shows, so we have to do our best. We even have to cross our own limits as musicians. We will be doing so today.

You have an official fan club now. Could you tell us more about it? Is it possible for European fans to join it one day?

Everyone: Yes! Joining it is actually possible now!

Mikaru: The only problem is that the fan club magazine which comes out four times a year is only available in Japanese. We hope that someday we'll have it in English as well for foreign fans.

Your concerts are very intensive. Have you ever hurt yourselves during a show or has anything funny or embarrassing ever happened?

ivy: Once I got so excited and ran around the stage so much that I slipped and fell. I hurt myself, but not badly.

denka: It becomes very hot behind the drums during a concert and I normally sweat. But one time I got so hyped up that I sweat so much all my make up came off. I had to keep going without any make up! (Laughs)

Mikaru: In Japan it would never cross the fans mind to touch my private parts. I don't think some European fans know this and maybe they misunderstand my gestures. Some European fans have even put their hands inside my trousers and touched my private areas when I have stage dive. It's very awkward and embarrassing!

Have you ever dreamt of nightmares concerning the band or performing?

(Mikaru and denka think for a long time and then admit their defeat by saying they don't remember their dreams)

ivy: Once I dreamt that Mikaru took my beloved bass and smashed it! It was horrible. (Laughs)

Could you give your fans a message please? But this time, the message can only be three words long!

Everyone: Why only three?! (Laugh)

(The members think of their answers)

Mikaru: Love. Thanks. Sex. (in English)

denka: We. Back. Soon! (in English)

ivy: I love you. (in English)

Thank you for this interview!


JaME would like to thank Dio and their staff, JrockSuomi and the translator Elina for making the interview possible. Pictures taken by Maija Haka.


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