Live Report

stylish wave ILLUSION'09 vol.1

27/02/2009 2009-02-27 12:00:00 KoME Author: Sarah J. and polina

stylish wave ILLUSION'09 vol.1

The stylish wave ILLUSION event series kicked off with an energetic live at ZEPP Tokyo.

© stylish wave ILLUSION
"Hello and Happy New Year." The MC began the first Stylish Wave event of 2009 with a warm greeting to the crowd in ZEPP Tokyo. They were an interesting bunch, reflecting the wide variety of bands playing that night; the gothic aristocrats and lolitas were out in full force for Moi dix Mois, in between punkish Merry t-shirt wearing girls and a few oshare types. Their collective attention turned to the MC, a rather normal looking fellow in green baseball cap and jacket. He introduced the owner of Star Children and thus the organiser, an amiable old gentleman with whom he shared a few jokes before getting down to business. The bands were introduced by giving a few key facts about them, leading the audience to guess at who would appear and first up was a band with big ambitions of performing a oneman in Zepp in the near future - Sadie.

To a loud, distorted intro, numerous Sadie fans growled and screamed loudly as the individual band members, wearing stylish but rather simple costumes, slowly and dramatically walked out to greet them. The live started with the rather heavy, but dynamic and catchy Meisai, which seemed familiar even to a listener confronted with the band for the first time. Mao showed the mastery of his voice, flawlessly switching between growling and strong, flowing melodic vocals and although the band itself wasn't moving around the stage much (with the exception of the rather lively Mizuki), the audience, in contrast, reacted straight away with enthusiastic headbanging. Tsurugi, Aki and Mizuki came towards the crowd, who were banging their fists to the more upbeat MAD ROID, as Kei jumped up behind the drum set, raising his arms and calling for the audience to move more.

Another heavy song, Crimson Tear, followed, which although was not technically performed perfectly, still did not fail to make the audience move with the song's energy. After a short pause, in which the masses screamed for the members, Mao greeted ZEPP and urged the crowds to move more. The band rehabilitated themselves with Grieving the dead soul, which they prolonged for the crowd to fully enjoy the headbanging and jumping. The charismatic vocalist pierced the crowd with his eyes, growling and screaming with an almost inhuman sound, switching to a style resembling rapping in some parts, and, rather surprisingly, even some choreography could be seen in the audience. A slower song Sexual Affection followed with heavy guitar riffs and Mao started singing softly, as if whispering to the audience, then screamed for them to move to a ready reaction of fist-banging and shouting along to the beat.

The final song Ice Romancer was quieter in parts, with clear, piercing singing and pleasantly melodic guitar lines, while still maintaining the typical hard sound, making the audience continue to act violently, up to the second floor of the hall. The band thanked the audience and took their time to say goodbye, as the crowd growled and screamed, not wanting to let them go. As the energetic Mizuki waved to them, Kei made an impressive throw of his drumstick so far, that most of the crowd turned to look to the back of the large hall in amazement.

Set list:

01. Meisai
03. Crimson Tear
04. Grieving the dead soul
05. Sexual Affection
06. Ice Romancer

In the pause, the announcer talked to the band members about their new album and upcoming events and, as they bid farewell to the crowd, he proceeded to introduce the next band - a band, whose original live feature is a fashion point check, and whose bassist announced at a recent oneman that his fashion point was his face - Megamasso.

The atmosphere change could not have been more dramatic: an upbeat electronic SE and a cheery-looking drummer, who urged the audience to clap their hands filled ZEPP with a positive mood. The enthusiastic screams had also changed to sounding high-pitched and cute, as the three members came out on stage, greeting their fans. In the first song, the light and catchy, LIPS, the audience continued clapping as Inzargi waved his hands and flirted with the smart looking Gou. Ryohei meanwhile bounced around with a radiant smile, that never seemed to leave his face. Briefly greeting the audience, the band went onto Throne Angel and, as Inzargi's strong, unique voice shook the air, Ryohei went forward, performing one of his impressive, perfect solos. Megamasso seemed rather comfortable on the broad ZEPP stage, switching places and using all the space it provided them to entertain the fans. In a short but amusing MC the band introduced themselves, announcing some information on upcoming lives and continued onto raiden mushufushu, their most recent song. The fans waved their arms, encouraged by Inzargi, who himself proceeded to do one of his impressive hip-hop style dances, and all the members jumped together on stage to the upbeat, positive melodies, seemingly enjoying themselves.

After another MC, Megamasso dipped into their poppier style. The electro introduction had a playful edge to it that got the whole audience clapping their hands in time. If Inzargi's vocals were a little disjointed in the verses, it came together wonderfully in the choruses, his vocals reaching powerfully across the room. He himself broke out a little more of his hip-hop dancing too as the song came to an end.

It was quite different from Imomushi no nushi that followed. Ryohei and Inzargi rallied the crowd into punching the air throughout the crunchy intro, the former in particular who shouted "Come here!" through the mics. It was Megamasso does 80s metal and the hair went flying. Inzargi's vocals really suited the harsh wailing sound that had at times verged near an 80s style. Ryohei and Gou had jumped into life too, scooting around the stage before their individual solos, Gou's combining with the pulsating drumbeat to bring the song to its climax and then closing with a stylish finish from the pair.

"Last!" screamed Inzargi, quite breathless from Imomushi no nushi. The finale song was the more placid Paradise Halo though. Gou and Ryohei remained rather motionless, leaving Inzargi to lead the audience in the furitsuke dancing, although even when dancing in this style so particular to visual kei he made it seem so very hip-hop.

The end of Megamasso's set was greeted with arms in the air from the audience and a final happy flourish from Ryohei's guitar. "Thank you very much!" Inzargi shouted as the trio departed from the stage.

The MC then reappeared to fill the setup time. He called Inzargi back for a chat. "Isn't Inzargi's voice great?" he said to the crowd. Once Inzargi reappeared they took a few moments dissecting his outfit, "Who chose it?" the MC asked. "Me," Inzargi replied. "Ehhh?" the MC yelled incredulously. "Everything," Inzargi continued matter of factly. "Ehhh?" the MC seemed in shock. The MC was a little overcome by Inzargi's apparent satorial prowess. The chat continued though with some more sensible questions. The next Megamasso oneman was announced and Inzargi gave his final message, "Thank you for coming to ZEPP where we haven't been for a while!"

Set list:

01. LIPS
02. Throne Angel
03. Raiden Mushufushu
04. Ame gakkitai
05. Imomushi no nushi
06. Paradise Halo

lynch. were introduced once Inzargi had gone. "They are a serious band with a very cool leader but they are idiots too," said the MC, "and the vocalist's dream is to appear in a coke commercial." The audience roared with appreciation, all knowing who was to come next.

The room went black for a second before dramatic red spots and radio noise filled the air to be followed by a thumping backing track. The whole audience screamed and clapped as lynch. were given the best reception yet.

"Come on!" Hazuki roared, and the crowd responded headbanging violently to the universe. Hazuki's vocals were stunning, soaring over ZEPP with a deep operatic quality. It was as if every member of the audience had been sleeping until then. The charismatic vocalist whipped up more excitement with big gestures to the audience as the dark, industrial notes of I'm sick, b'cuz luv u begun. Hazuki was lost in a world of his screaming while Reo and Yusuke approached the edge of the stage to continue this highly charged atmosphere of heavy flashing spotlights and hair flying all over.

As the song ended, Hazuki bellowed "Tokyo!" into his mic. "RARH," Tokyo responded. The MC was short and perfunctory, as all were that evening, "I want to see more energy! Let's go Tokyo!" Hazuki was in much of a frenzied state as the audience dancing with abrupt spasms resembling something of a fit. He danced sinuously over to Reo for a short while, leaning casually on Reo's shoulder while he sang. The verses of melt were of particular beauty, with rich deep vocals that became a gutteral roar as the guitars sounded like alarms in an intermission before more headbanging.

The stunning guitars of Reo and Yusuke continued to amaze with subtle Indian influenced chords interspersed with heavier moments as Ambivalent Ideal began. This Asian melody returned as spotlights switched between the pair of guitarists playing the simple, yet resonating melody. In the sudden twist that took the music back to heaviness, the stage was lit with piercing green spots that obscured the members leaving only a deep, almost primeval growl from Hazuki to fill the air. Live, it certainly left a deep impression of eerie, powerful aggression.

The final two songs ended the set with an energetic bang. Hazuki jumped around the stage shouting "woohoo" to the techno-ish styled drums of unknown lost a beauty while the audience pounded the air violently with their fists. It was a short, heavy offering that got the audience jumping again. "More, more!" Hazuki yelled in his deathvoice as audio feedback from the guitars resonated throughout the hot room. "For our last one, let's go!" The sounds of the guitars went straight into Adore. The whole room punched the air and performed the choreography in perfect time while on stage the band looked as though they were having a lot of fun, energetically moving about on stage with Hazuki once again briefly falling into his spasm dance. He stopped however to let the audience sing, closing the explosive lynch. performance with their voices.

The MC seemed in a slight shock on his return, as breathless as the crowd. Nonetheless, he introduced Hazuki to talk to the audience a while. Hazuki took the time to announce a 3-man concert and when asked if he would write a diary entry, he replied, "I will write one today!"

Set list:
01. the universe
02. I'm sick, b'cuz luv u
03. melt
04. Ambivalent Ideal
05. unknown lost a beauty
06. Adore

Hazuki's departure left the MC to announce the penultimate band, one of "speed and darkness" that made the assembled gothic lolitas go crazy.

Moi dix Mois' entrance was as grand as could have been expected with a full gothic orchestra of strings, organ and harpsichord. Mana was second to arrive on stage, holding his Jeune Fille with flashing red cross aloft. There were no screams however, merely 'Dix' signs held high in silence.

Through the pounding drums and harpsichord opener of Forbidden, the crowd continued to make 'Dix' signs with the band. It seemed rather subdued compared to the madness of lynch., however and it did take a while for the majority of the crowd - who seemed to be largely Merry and lynch. fans - to warm to the band. Seth eventually won the audience over though with his rich, deep vocals and elaborate hand movements encouraging the assembled fans to dance.

A short MC followed, to ask "are you enjoying it?" before Metaphysical, a darker piece with an interesting blend of drums and guitars. Seth brought out his deathvoice, snarling the lyrics while the audience headbanged. Mana meanwhile seemed to remain a focus of attention, playing his guitar with elaborate gestures and headbanging through the yellow spotlights.

The industrial tone of Immortal Madness gave way to more air-punching while shouting "dix." In this extended version, the vocalist became more intimate with the crowd, talking to them and encouraging them to join in. More and more the audience warmed to Moi dix Mois, as a forest of hands making 'dix' signs shot up with each heavy note. "You, one by one, have gathered here," Seth told the audience. "Everyone let your feelings out and scream!" The response was loud and after being told "I can't hear you" became even louder as the room interchangeably headbanged then raised their arms aloft.

Moi dix Mois had found their stride, turning in a fantastic performance next of unmoved. Mana and K led the black metal melody with powerful speed drumming from Hayato, with Mana's short solo marking a neat change from the underlying heaviness. It was then time for their finale song. "Let's go!" screamed K, telling both front and back to move. Seth produced a megaphone as the cyber sounds merged with piano and a thumping beat with quite the addictive hook. Mana was moving around a lot more too, almost occupying the centre to play his guitar.
"Happy New Year!" shouted Seth as the song came to an end with a crashing of guitars that resonated throughout the room. One by one the members left, Mana being the last to go, holding his Jeune Fille guitar up to the audience before leaving the ZEPP stage empty.

Set list:

01. Forbidden
02. Metaphysical
03. Immortal Madness
04. unmoved
05. deus ex machina
Ending SE

Although Merry were the final act of the evening, ZEPP was still full, and the audience stirred with excitement as members started appearing on stage to the SE, Digi Note. Nero triumphantly held up a big flag, which he continued show off standing behind his drum set, and as he dropped it and proceeded to climb onto the drum set itself, even the audience who didn't know Merry realized that they were up for some action.

By the time Gara came out, holding a megaphone, the public was jumping and screaming all the way to the back of the hall. The band started immediately on a high pace with the upbeat Lost Generation, the audience headbanged and jumped as Gara went shaking like a mental institution patient in a fever, his voice breaking into screams, closely followed in madness by Nero, whose drum set could not hold back his eccentric self-expression. The public continued going crazy for Japanese Modernist, as Yuu screamed into his microphone, Kenichi danced around, Nero jumped up mouthing the lyrics, and the audience sang along loudly to this powerful song.

The band silently greeted the screaming fans, and as a jazzy SE played, Gara kept hitting himself on the head with the microphone. Nero wished the crowd a Happy New Year and talked about their upcoming release, a song from which the band proceeded to play. Although Friction xxxx was a new song, Kenichi and Yuu played like they were determined to rip their guitar strings and the audience headbanged and shook their fists with enthusiasm to the fast-paced and aggressive tunes.

Midnight Shangrila started with an attention shift to Tetsu's bass line, and as ZEPP continued jumping and headbanging, Gara rubbed his chest with the microphone, wandered around the stage looking lost, and finally fell to the floor, continuing to sing in that position. Without a pause, the band went onto Oriental BL Circus and, as all the members came towards the front, Gara stood on his head, shaking his legs in the air for quite a while.

An intermission of quiet calm followed, enough for Nero to scream, "Let's go onto the last song!" The sweat-drenched members came towards the crowd as they banged their fists and jumped to the fast beats of his powerful drumming in Tozasareta Rakuen. Ken and Yuu ran towards each other, switching places, while Tetsu moved in a more calm and cool way. Nero's energy could not be abated, waving his drumsticks around in the air as if he were a conductor. The band greeted the crowd and left the stage, as the masses screamed loudly, last being Nero, who jumped over the drum set and once again waved the flag.

Straight away screams for an encore were heard. After a while the excitable drummer once again ran out onto the stage with his flag, almost wrecking the drum set with it, while the other members proceeded to come out in a calmer fashion. As they announced a song, that hadn't been played for a while and Gara started hitting himself with a toy chicken, the public knew that the song to follow was Aikoku koushinkyoku. As the excited audience screamed and jumped, doing the peculiar choreography of "patriotic" arm movements, the band once again went wild onstage, infecting all of ZEPP with their energy. Gara left the stage first, as the other members bowed and threw their picks and drumsticks into the masses, and finally Nero, having thrown a drumhead into the crowd, stumbling screamed a final good-bye into the microphone.

Set list:

SE: Digi Note
01. Lost Generation
02. Japanese Modernist
03. Friction xxxx
04. Midnight Shangrila
05. Oriental BL circus
06. Tozasareta rakuen

07. Aikoku koushinkyoku

Once again, the announcer and Mr. Hoshiko came out and talked to the crowd, then one by one called the bands that performed that day onto the stage. Sadie, Megamasso, lynch., Moi dix Mois and finally Merry came out, to cheering of the crowd, and thanked the organizers and the public for the fun evening.


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Date Event Location
lynch., Megamasso, MERRY, Moi dix Mois, Sadie
Zepp Tokyo

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Zy 38: Kra © 2007 Zy.connection Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Zy 38: Kra

The Adventure of 4 kinkys.

Stylish Wave Matrix Live Report © Star Children/All rights reserved to their respective owners.

Live Report

Stylish Wave Matrix Live Report

Live report from the Stylish Wave Matrix event, featuring bands such as Ayabie, Charlotte, DuelJewel and more.

Zy. [stylish wave ILLUSION '08] Contest Results © KoME


Zy. [stylish wave ILLUSION '08] Contest Results

JaME and Zy./star child gave away tickets for the 'stylish wave ILLUSION '08' event.

Zy 37: Merry © 2007 Zy.connection Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Zy 37: Merry

Merry Erotics, + Real Rebel Yell

Zy 37: Ruki of the GazettE © 2007 Zy.connection Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Zy 37: Ruki of the GazettE

Ao. Soku. Zan

Zy 37: ayabie © 2007 Zy.connection Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Zy 37: ayabie

Abiding memory and future

Zy 37: Nightmare © 2007 Zy.connection Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Zy 37: Nightmare

One-of a-kind center core

Zy Section on JaME! © KoME


Zy Section on JaME!

JaME has opened a Zy section.

Zy. [stylish wave ILLUSION '08] Contest © KoME


Zy. [stylish wave ILLUSION '08] Contest

Participate in this contest to win one of the 20 tickets JaME is giving away for the 'stylish wave ILLUSION '08' event!

stylish wave: COUNTDOWN'07-'08 and ILLUSION '08 © Star Child


stylish wave: COUNTDOWN'07-'08 and ILLUSION '08

The event stylish wave: COUNTDOWN'07-'08 and ILLUSION '08 takes place on December 31st and January 1st. JaME readers can win tickets for this event.