
Moi dix Mois Interview and Panel at Anime Expo

23/08/2009 2009-08-23 00:01:00 KoME Author: Andrea and anna

Moi dix Mois Interview and Panel at Anime Expo

The day before his performance at Anime Expo, Mana answered a few of JaME's questions, and the day after Moi dix Mois answered their fans' questions.

© Midi:Nette
JaME was able to sit down with Mana the day before Moi dix Mois' American debut at Anime Expo. The interview had a casual atmosphere and was set in his hotel room, so it went quickly and smoothly. However, Mana seemed to be very tired from his long flight and kept his answers brief.

Thank you for this interview, we understand you just came to Los Angeles this morning. How was your flight? What did you do to pass the time on the plane?

Mana: It was good. I just read a book on music engineering and recording on my MAC laptop.

A number of years ago, there was an American tour for Moi dix Mois planned, but this was canceled, and since then you've been hoping to make up for it. Now you’re going to perform in the USA for the first time, how does it make you feel?

Mana: I’m really happy we’re finally able to perform…

In previous interviews, you’ve mentioned before that you have a great interest in France and its culture. The USA has an entirely different background, so what sort of cultural or historical things would you like to visit while you are here?

Mana: (laughs) Oh did I? Yes. I have been to the US a few times, mostly Los Angeles. I haven’t been to New York yet, but I would like to visit and look around.

The other official musical guest of Anime Expo is Morning Musume, total opposite from Moi dix Mois. Any thoughts on this?

Mana: Nothing in particular, I’m not really interested in pop.

It’s been said that when you were younger, you wanted to become a Johnny. (everyone laughs) How do you imagine your life would be if you had tried the Johnny’s path after all?

Mana: I never really thought about how I would have ended up. I just liked to dance, which is mostly why I wanted to join.

Mana's Not Dead is another side project for you. What kind of band is this? How did it get started?

Mana: This was a one time only session band with other people. So I don’t plan to do more with this band anymore. It was only popular because of the Maru Music Visual Kei DVD that came out.

Do you plan on anymore bands like it?

Mana: I've been doing one time only bands every year, it was just because Mana's Not Dead was featured in the visual kei DVD that it became popular.

In a previous interview with JaME in France, you hinted at new songs and the possibility of a new album. Can you tell us more about this?

Mana: I'm making the album right now. The concept of the album will go deeper into my world.

Will the music of this album be similar to past albums, or will there be more elements? Like will it be more classical or more metal?

Mana: For the last album, it took shape within my own mind. But for this one, I would like to make it more classical influenced or harder… but maybe right now is not the time to say anything about it.

Can you give us some thoughts on your US debut and a give a message to your fans?

Mana: Since the last live was canceled, for this show I want to make it up to my fans.

Moi dix Mois Q&A Panel

Only three members made it to the panel: Mana, K and Sugiya. Like the Anime Expo in 2006, in which Mana also did a panel, he whispered into the translator’s ear and the translator would relay Mana’s message. What was different between this panel and the panel in 2006 is that this year, the questions were screened. The fans gathered in a long line extending almost to the back of the hall, just to get the chance to ask the band a question.

No recordings whatsoever were allowed during this panel. This transcript is not word for word.

Translator: Let's do a brief introduction.

(Mana then leans over to whisper to the translators ear and she translates his words as he looks out into the large audience of fans.)

Mana: I am Mana. It was my first live here in America and I thank you all.

(Next it was K's turn to introduce himself and he did his introduction in English.)

K: Hello everybody! I am K, the guitarist. Did you all enjoy the show last night?

Sugiya(Hesitantly): Hello everyone, I am the bassist, Sugiya. It was really nice to meet everyone yesterday and I hope to hear from you soon.

(After this, the first fan was gestured to go up to the podium set in the middle of the audience, and speak to the band. All attention from the audience and the band was on this fan, the large room was dead silent.)

This question is for Mana. You are a musician who is also a fashion designer; Would you consider yourself a musician designing clothes or a designer doing music?

Mana(answering with no hesitation): I consider myself a musician before a fashion designer.

What is your biggest inspiration?

Mana: From my great fans.

I just wanted to ask what is your greatest achievement?

Mana: In my heart, I feel it yesterday's performance was great, it was the first live in America.

(With this answer the room gave deafening cheers and applause with many fans doing standing ovations at this comment.)

In many of your art has a lot of imagery and symbolism. I wanted to ask if there was any meaning in the makeup you wear. I was wondering when was the first time you put on makeup and how did you felt when you first looked at yourself?

This question got a lot of laughs and made Mana immediately turn to the translator for a translation.

Mana: There’s no meaning in the makeup…and I started in middle school. I was very surprised when I saw myself in the mirror.

Mana, Do you personally want to do a Malice Mizer reunion?

(This almost taboo question made the audience immediately go 'ohhh' and start whispering about such a dangerous subject.)

Mana: To me Malice Mizer was an amazing band. I really enjoyed the people I worked with. I have no idea about a reunion, but it is something to think about.

For all of you, what is your fondest memory while on tour?

K: All lives are memorable, but the first live is always the best. Like this one!
Sugiya: Everything is memorable, but I like all of the events. I really enjoy the fans and the cheers that I get. But I believe that events like these are really great as memories.
Mana: At yesterday's live, it was first time for me and Moi dix Mois to have double screens-it really surprised me! I really enjoyed yesterday's live, and it will be my fondest memory.

(The enthusiastic audience let our deafening cheers from this answer)

What is the most interesting thing about the US?

K: I went walking along Santa Monica Beach, and there I saw Spiderman fighting against the McDonald’s "M" sign. I believe there's a lot of funny people in America.

While answering K demonstrated the fight by throwing a few punches into the air. Sugiya turned to K laughing at this outrageous answer and demonstration saying something in Japanese.

Sugiya(thinking a bit and still laughing a bit at K's answer): The fact that they have a lot of different types of beer.
Mana: The hamburgers are really big and delicious.

He held up his hands to show exactly how big the hamburgers were by showing that they were bigger then his head.

What is your favorite artist? Like your favorite painter or illustrator?

K: My mother is an artist and I respect her very much.

The audience reacted by a unison of 'aw' and cheers for this answer.

Sugiya: I am sorry, I’m not very knowledgeable in this subject so I will research it harder.

More 'awes' were heard.

Mana: I like MC Escher artworks.

This answer really pleased the crowd and they let it show while Mana just nodded.

What is your music and concept really about?

Mana: My music is a scream of my soul.

Xanadu moves me deeply, I want to know where the inspiration for this came from.

Mana: The lyrics I put in this song are based off of the cheers I always receive from fans.

What is your favorite movie?

K: Because of yesterday, "Spiderman."
Sugiya: It’s a Japanese movie that was playing last month.
Mana: Anything that's Horror or alien based movies.

Which band or musician has influenced you the most?

Mana: Slayer in middle school.
K: American bands would be Metallica and Guns N' Roses.
Sugiya: Nuclear Assault.

This is a question for all of you. It seems recently that a number of Japanese bands have used American film, and having their music featured in it to break into American audiences, and I wanted to ask if you could have the chance for your music to appear in American films, would you?

As the translator translates for the band, Mana is nodding and seems very enthusiastic about this idea.

Mana: Right now nothing is planned, but it is something a feel passionate about. I would love to but nothing is planned.

All of you talk about okonomiyaki (Japanese-style pancake) in your blogs, what is your favorite okonomiyaki topping?

With this question, the three members turned to each other to silently talk it over amongst themselves. They seemed very animated with this question, even taking it very seriously.

Mana: Since I am from the Hiroshima area, I like Hiroshima style, which has yakisoba (stir-fried noodles) in it.
K: I also like yakisoba in my okonomiyaki, but my favorite type is called “Stamina Okonomiyaki:” it has garlic and kimchee in it.
Sugiya: Since I am also from the Hiroshima area, I like the plain Hiroshima style.

What is all of your opinions on the difference between fans in Japan and fans in America?

This is question, all of them seemed to have trouble explaining it to the fans, taking time to think about it. Except for Sugiya whom answered last and seemed to know exactly what to say.

Mana: Both fans have lots of energy, but I feel the power from you.
K: Everyone has different power, but yesterday was super.
Sugiya: I feel passion from both places and in my heart, the energy was much higher.

Thank you for the live yesterday, can you tell us what’s next?

Mana: We’re working on a new album right now, so we’re excited.

Mana, you have many elaborate costumes, is it hard getting them on and off?

Mana: It’s always hard to get them on and off.

I am an aspiring music composer and I am very interested in rock music that is classically influenced. I was wonder what is your composition process and do you have any tips on composing music?

Mana: Just listen to a lot of my music.

I heard that you have no formal training in music theory, and I was wondering how did you learn to compose?

Mana: I always composed what I felt was right.

What movie of the Japanese horror genre are you into now?

Sugiya: The Japanese horror movie called "Yatsu Haka Mura"
K: “Inugamike no Hanashi”
Mana: To be honest I don’t watch Japanese movies, I like American horror.

My question is for Seth, but then since he’s not here today, I wanted to ask as musicians, what kind of techniques would you recommend to other musicians who wants to improve themselves?

K: To be honest with your true feelings when playing music.

What kinds of interesting things do you want to know?

K: I’ve definitely always wanted to know the symbolism on the dollar bill.

I love you, Mana. You’ve always inspired me. I want to dress in elegant gothic lolita. Do you have any suggestions or tips for me?

Mana: I would recommend for you to start watching dark horror films and bask in its feelings.

You are the most beautiful man…how do you stay so ageless?

Mana: I always try to be as youthful as I can with my feelings

With this question, the line was cut off and fans could ask no more questions. Mana gave one last message before he left.

Mana: Thank you very much to all of my fans!

JaME would like to thank Mana and Anime Expo for the interview and panel.

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