Live Report

Megamasso - petit one-man tour final at Daikanyama Unit: OVER THE GLITTER!#2

24/09/2009 2009-09-24 00:01:00 KoME Author: Anais

Megamasso - petit one-man tour final at Daikanyama Unit: OVER THE GLITTER!#2

Megamasso's tour final brought down the house.

© Megamasso
For the last live of their small livehouse tour, Megamasso chose Daikanyama Unit, a very nice hall built underground that looked a lot like a disco club. The audience gathered that night to enjoy this tour final was a very diverse group, proving that Megamasso’s music really reaches everyone. As the starting time drew closer, the venue became packed with impatient fans.

As soon as the SE began, people in the audience started to clap their hands, and Gou, Ryohei and Inzargi quickly came on stage. As a reference to the title of the tour - OVER THE GLITTER - each member was wearing a glittering piece of clothing: a glitter jacket for Inzargi, a glitter top tank for Ryohei and a glitter scarf for Gou.

The live kicked off with Minazuki, Missou. Immediately, hundreds of hands rose into the air, which brought a charming smile to Ryohei’s face, even as he mouthed the lyrics. The show went on with Throne Angel. “3, 2, 1, JUMP!” said Inzargi, and everyone in the audience started to jump. At some point during the song, Gou and Ryohei joined their vocalist at the center of the stage and posed, giving the audience a great picture. Then they started jumping in unison with the fans.

This was followed by Goshiki tooru ten mazochii. Inzargi’s booming “let’s go!” rang out through the hall and gave the signal for everyone to start headbanging. Guitarist Ryohei showed the extend of his skills during an especially good guitar solo. After an instrumental SMC, the heavy part of the set continued with Imomushi no nushi, which got everyone headbanging again. The members started swapping positions on stage. They went on with METEO, during which the members and the fans moved in perfect synchronization. Then they played Viper. There were lots of screams during the song that Inzargi pretended he couldn’t hear, thus inviting the fans to scream louder.

After this first part, it was time for an MC. Inzargi talked about their small livehouse tour and how nice it felt to be so close to the fans. Then they carried on, starting the slower part of the live with the song BLESS. It was Inzargi’s turn to show how good a live singer he is. His powerful voice filled the whole venue and was highly acclaimed by the fans. It was followed by another ballad: a morning ray is cold. Then, a beautiful piano melody started to resonate through the hall as they began white, white. However, the song really started when Ryohei began to play and let loose with his great guitar lines. The most impressive aspect of the song was the stage lighting, which accompanied the song perfectly. howling fragment, the next song, marked the end of the slow songs. On stage, the members started to move from left to right, perfectly synchronized, and slowly, fans in the audience started to do the same. The members repeated the action several times until everybody was doing it with them.

This was followed by a short MC; they went on with ame gakki tai. Inzargi counted, “1, 2, 3, 4” and started to clap. The catchy melody got everyone in the mood and the members, energized by the fans’ high spirits, were spinning together. There were lots of hands in the air, clapping along. The band immediately moved on to another fast piece, LIPS. The members started to swap positions again, and Ryohei came to the center of the stage smiling brightly as he mouthed the lyrics.

Inzargi spoke to the crowd during the next MC, warming the fans up for the coming song. Then he shouted, “Let’s go!” The band began to play Junsui Baiyou, for which Inzargi had a special dance. He introduced it to the fans at the beginning of the song and repeated it. Soon the dance spread in the audience, and by the end everyone was dancing it. This was followed by the great FM1, which got everybody's hands back in the air, waving and clapping. The next song, despite being called Sweet skin like a candy, was far from being a sweet song, and everyone was yelling “Hey! Hey! Hey!” during the hard-rock verses. Gou and Ryohei switched positions while Inzargi was dancing. Then, through the cheers, they started kikaikajin Madison, a super-fast song that got all the fans headbanging and then dancing. Under Inzargi’s lead, they all went into a mad spin. Finally, the song ended with Ryohei’s amazing guitar solo. During the next song, Shibou no katamari, the obedient audience repeated the moves Inzargi showed them on stage. Everyone, both onstage and on the floor, was obviously having fun and enjoying themselves.

A dramatic drum roll was heard and then Inzargi said the dreaded words: “Last song!” The band went on to play Paradisal Halo. Inzargi showed the audience the new moves, and they were repeated instantly. Everyone was really into the show. Then Inzargi moved towards Ryohei as the guitarist was about to start his solo, urging Ryohei to play another great solo. The chorus started, and in the audience dozens and dozens of hearts rose in the air, drawn by the fingers of the fans who had started to sing along with their beloved vocalist. Seeing this, Inzargi stopped singing and soon, the instruments stopped too, leaving the crowd to sing the lyrics of the chorus alone. It was a very powerful and moving moment. Slowly, the instruments returned, and still watching over the fans, Inzargi said: “It’s really a good tour final!”

After the last song ended, the members saluted the fans and left the stage. Immediately, the fans started to call for an encore at the top of their lungs. The members came back, wearing tour T-shirts. Inzari took the microphone and thanked the fans for calling them back, adding, “This tour final is wicked.” After that, he started to share some tour stories with the fans, occasionally giving the mic to Gou and Ryohei to get their impressions about the tour. The MC lasted for about ten minutes and was followed by the first song of the encore: Hadairo. The crowd immediately started to jump, encouraged by the fast rock’n’roll melody. They continued with the slightly heavier Sugarless Nocturne, and it was Gou’s turn to shine as he let everyone hear a deep and sensual bass sound. Sugarless Nocturne was followed by the catchy Furarako with its great instrumental parts. On stage, Inzargi jumped like crazy, and everyone in the audience was doing the same. Then the members started to trade positions again. Inzargi took Ryohei’s position, and the guitarist took Gou’s place while the bassist took center stage and seized the opportunity to make the fans scream louder.

As the song ended, it was once again time to announce the last song: Raiden Mushufushu. As the band started playing, everyone in the audience raised their hands and screamed “Wo! Wo! Wo!” along with Inzargi, who also danced during the chorus. The band entertained the fans up to the last second, and after they had finished the song, they took their time to say good-bye. They tossed water bottles and picks to the audience and shook hands with the fans. Gou and Ryohei hugged and left the stage as Inzargi bowed in front of the fans. Then he left the stage too, leaving the fans begging for more, and a couple of minutes later the band returned for a second encore.

The fans were going mad, yelling each of the members’ names as loudly as they possibly could. The song the band had chosen for the last encore was Namida neko, a classic, well-known song and a perfect choice to end the show. Every single person in the audience was singing along and waving their hands, moving them around just like Inzargi was. Touched by such devotion, the vocalist stopped singing for a second and said “thank you!” to his fans. He continued on, his voice not losing an ounce of intensity or strength until the very end. As the song ended, the entranced fans couldn’t stop clapping or cheering. As for the members, they once again took their time leaving the stage, throwing a few more picks and shaking a few more hands. Inzargi stayed on stage after Gou and Ryohei had left. There, looking out at the fans from the stage, he seemed like he was feeding on their love, taking in as much as he could before leaving.

When the audience finally accepted that the concert was really over, they left the venue, and satisfaction and happiness shone from each sweaty face. Megamasso really rocked the small Daikanyama that night. They proved they could put on a great show; even playing various kinds of songs, they still appealed to everyone and stayed close to their audience. Hopefully, it's only a matter of time before the rest of the world can experience a Megamasso live for themselves.

Set List:

1. Minazuki, Missou
2. Throne Angel
3. Goshiki tooru ten mazochii
4. Imomushi no nushi
6. Viper
8. a morning ray is cold
9. white,white
10. howling fragment
11. Ame gakki tai
12. LIPS
13. Junsui Baiyou
14. FM1
15. Sweet skin like a candy
16. kikaikajin Madison
17. Shibou no katamari
18. Paradisal Halo

19. Hadairo
20. Sugarless Nocturne
21. Furarako
22. Raiden Mushufushu

Encore 2
23. Namida Neko

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