Live Report


10/03/2010 2010-03-10 20:30:00 KoME Author: NirVanKa Translator: Miranda


On November 27th, XOVER performed an incredible show in Kawasaki.

Everyone gathered in CLUB CITTA on the evening of November 27th was impatiently waiting for XOVER, a common project of Shaura (formerly known as Juka) and Kouichi (Everlasting-K). But fans had to wait a while as another band performed before XOVER. Following their act, the curtains fell and the stage was prepared for the heroes of the occasion.

Twenty minutes later the intro started and the band's banner appeared against a white background. Lights flashed in the venue and the silhouettes of the musicians could be seen behind the curtains. The first song was XGATE~for haling future~, the video of which fans could see at home since CDs with the record were distributed at the entrance of the club. Despite the fact that this composition was a new one, the crowd accepted it very warmly and repeated Shaura's movements as he stood on the platform throughout the whole song. He raised his arm in the air and the fans echoed it. XGATE~for haling future~ was then replaced with Slip Stream, which had a very different mood. Bassist Masato was playing at the very front of the stage, maintaining close contact with the crowd. Shaura sang high notes during the chorus, sometimes raising his voice to a shout. The performance of Slip Stream ended with a tremendous guitar solo from Kouichi.

Shaura was spinning from side to side during The curse of life, and when he stood on the platform he started moving his hips sensually. In the middle of the song everyone's attention was directed fully to the bassist who played his solo at center stage, but soon after Kouichi's guitar interrupted him. The curse of life was followed by a short МС during which Shaura thanked everyone for coming to the concert. He also spoke about his feelings and said that he had been worrying a lot before the show. A beautiful guitar intro was the beginning of the following song, Mezame. Shaura, Kouichi and Masato played at the front of the stage. Following, the drums sounded throughout the hall and the crowd started clapping their hands to Ikareta bara. The vocalist was growling during the chorus, and the fans were head banging. Then Shaura and the bassist switched places. Masato performed his parts on the vocalist's platform, and Shaura teased the fans, singing the song only a stone's throw away from them, but still without giving them a chance to reach him.

For Kotodama, the heavy guitar riffs and drums resonated through the venue, combining with Shaura's deep vocals to create a gloomy atmosphere which was broken only during the chorus when the vocalist sang high notes, giving more sensuality to the heavy composition. After the following МС, one more heavy and slow song, Yoake, followed. Shaura moved erotically on the stage and performed the chorus heartrendingly, only interrupted by Kouichi's guitar solo. The atmosphere changed when metem psychosis started, with bright lights swallowing the venue and beautiful guitar chords filling the room. Shaura seemed to put all his feelings and emotions into the performance, and as he raised his hands in the air the fans repeated his movements.

The light fell on the vocalist while the gentle intro of Souten sounded. Kouichi was standing at the front of the stage performing an excellent solo, and the crowd grew completely silent as they listened to the awesome composition. Again Shaura raised his hands as though trying to reach the sky. As soon as the music subsided, the fans began to shout out both "Shaura" and "Kouichi" until the vocalist interrupted them: "Today is our first one-man in Kawasaki! Thank you very much for coming!" While Shaura was speaking, the guitarist got to the drum set to start the following song, Mermaid. The vocalist danced on the platform, and the fans sang along to the simple chorus. The song ended with Kouichi's guitar line. During the performance of Yomi no kuni Shaura sang high notes, and the guitarist played his solo sharing the center of the stage with the vocalist.

The heavy drums of Everlasting… created a new atmosphere in the venue. The musicians were submerged in green and red lights, Kouichi's guitar was moaning, and Shaura's powerful voice emphasized the gloomy mood of the song. The sad Everlasting… was replaced with the cheerful never ending Garden, which the vocalist announced as the last song. He got a towel with the name of the band and started waving it, and the fans repeated the movement wildly. When the musicians changed their positions, both Shaura and Kouichi came to the front of the stage, letting everyone have fun with them. At the end of the song the vocalist threw his towel to the fans, the band left the stage, and the curtains fell. Nevertheless the fans did not even think of leaving and continued to call XOVER for an encore.

They didn't have to wait long before the piano started to sound and the curtains rose. Shaura's new band, S-S, appeared on the stage with the following line-up: Masato on bass, erina (ex-Dio-distraught overlord) and RayX on guitar, Mikage (ex-Babylon) on drums and KAZ on piano and guitar. Such a star line-up had the crowd cheering warmly. During the whole song erina was moving around the stage, battling on guitars with RayX and rocking the crowd, and the fans were headbanging with the band members to the heavy beat of the song. Soon after, Shaura introduced the band. The composition that came next was more sensual, but not less heavy due to the guitar riffs. KAZ finished the song with a sensual piano part, after which all the musicians stood still on the stage and the curtains fell again.

The night was not over yet and another encore was in store for the crowd. OVEY was performed by Kouichi and Masato only, and they constantly changed their positions and stirred up the crowd in every possible way. Mezame started for the second time that evening. Shaura sang, standing next to Kouichi with his hand on the guitarist's shoulder, and the bassist played his parts near the drummer. The guitarist put an end to this song with a short solo and the band left the stage once more. The fans did not cease to shout and call XOVER for the third encore, and the musicians did not keep them waiting. But before the concert could continue, Shaura thanked the crowd: "Thank you! Do you want more?! Kawasaki is not that close, and it is already late so be careful on your way home!" With that, he announced the following song, Utakata no yuukyuu.

Light flashed in the venue to the rhythm of the composition. Kouichi played a solo in the center of the stage with the vocalist singing high notes. Shaura then announced, "Our last song!" and the band performed the crowd favourite XGATE once more. Everybody got wild again. The vocalist and the bassist were changing their positions and performing their parts on the front of the stage, rocking the venue even more. Shaura introduced the band members one by one, beginning from the drummer and finishing with the guitarist. Kouichi then introduced the vocalist, and the fans responded with joyful shouts. At that point, smoke suddenly started to fill the centre part of the stage, signaling the end of the evening. Once again Shaura thanked the fans for coming, and after shaking hands the musicians left the stage.

Undoubtedly XOVER is a strong project, combining heavy music and strong vocals. It was an awesome concert that showed what the talented musicians Shaura and Kouichi could make together.

Set list:

XGATE~for haling future~
Slip Stream
The curse of life
Ikareta Bara
metem psychosis
Yomi no kuni
never ending Garden

Encore 1:
2 songs by Shaura's new band

Encore 2:

Encore 3:
Utakata no Yuukyuu
XGATE 〜Long version
