
Interview with Jelly Beans in Frankfurt

05/07/2010 2010-07-05 00:01:00 KoME Author: Mika

Interview with Jelly Beans in Frankfurt

Before their sugary sweet J-pop live in Frankfurt, Jelly Beans shared their thoughts about each other, their music, and being ambassadors of Japanese culture.

© Jelly Beans
Right before their performance at Nachtleben Frankfurt, JaME got the chance to meet the girls for a short interview. While the club slowly filled, we talked backstage about Japanese culture, their image and the future.

In 2009, Japan's consulate general in Düsseldorf officially appointed you "ambassadors of Japanese culture." How do you feel about that?

Sakura: We expected to perform on very small stages, but that changed because of this title. It's kinda scary to suddenly be able to perform on bigger stages.

What do you think is your task as ambassadors of Japanese culture?

Sakura: We have many different things to do, but mainly we have to present and introduce the culture of Japan.

How are you going to fulfill this duty?

Sakura: Japanese culture is spreading all over Europe. With our music, we want to show J-pop to a European audience.

How does this diffusion work, the exporting of culture from Japan to the world?

Sakura: Through manga and anime for example. These two media are having a huge influence, I think.

What else do you personally want to export to the world?

Sakura: I would love to bring more Lolita fashion to Europe. (laughs)

Was there any influence of Western culture on your style or music?

Sakura: The singing style was influenced by that. The great harmony of voice and music. I learned that music can be more silent, too.

On stage, you are very energetic, and at the same time your image is very cute.

Sakura: We're not always wearing such cute Lolita outfits. Sometimes, we dress up more sporty or dark. But in every outfit, you can see our personal color. Yu-ki's is blue, so she always wears something blue.

What else is characteristic for Yu-ki besides the color blue?

Yu-ki: Huh? For me?
Sakura: She's hard-working, full of energy and totally in love with music.

Sakura, your color is pink, right?

Sakura: My name refers to the Japanese cherry blossom. This is a very important symbol and part of Japanese culture. The blossoms are pink, so this color matches my name. Yu-ki and I are pretty different from each other. (laughs)
Yu-ki: Sakura is like an older sister to me. And she looks so pretty, pink really suits her well.

To what extent do your different characters show up in your work as musicians?

Sakura: Yu-ki is responsible for the cheering during a live (laughs while Yu-ki demonstrates) and I try to support her.

Besides Jelly Beans, you have some other projects to work on, like your solo careers. How are you able to cope with that amount of work?

Sakura: He does an awesome job at making the planning. (points at the manager, everyone laughs) I want to keep trying out new things, gain experience and meet new people. This gives me inspiration and pushes me forward.

Any plans already?

Sakura: I would love to sing at a cultural festival. Some kind of event where we can reach normal people, not only those interested in Japan. And I would like to work together with some German bands.

With who especially? Are there any projects already?

Sakura: Right now, unfortunately not. But I hope for a chance to do it.

Germany only or all of Europe? Where would you like to perform?

Sakura: We want to perform in countries where we haven't played concerts before. And we want to visit more German cities. We only know Frankfurt and Düsseldorf so far.

Why do you think Japanese culture is so popular in Europe?

Sakura: I have no idea! We can't believe it, too! (laughs)

When searching for Jelly Beans on the internet, one may find some video of you performing on streets, on YouTube…

Yu-ki: WHAT..?!

… Are you testing the songs or why do you do this?

Yu-ki: When performing on public streets, you can reach a great audience. Only people who know us already will come to our concerts in clubs and halls. On the streets, we reach new people. In the beginning, I often sang there and met wonderful and interesting people, musicians and new fans and friends.

Thinking about the beginning of your career, what has changed so far?

Sakura: We never expected to be able to perform in Europe. It's like a dream.

What is left to wish for in the future?

Sakura: Thanks to our music we were able to be here. I want to go to many other places.
Yu-ki: I want to release something overseas. And I want to sing in other languages, even though it may be hard.

Finally, do you have a message for your fans?

Sakura: Nowadays, you keep in touch via the internet. Through my blog I can stay close to everyone and present myself to new people. I would be happy if you could the a look. I will try to answer all messages.
Yu-ki: I want to sing here more often, so please keep supporting us!

Thanks to Lika Toriumi and Claus Corves from EJC and to Masumi and Alex for their friendly support.


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