Live Report

DOPING PANDA's Miracle Tour in Hamburg

21/01/2011 2011-01-21 06:00:00 KoME Author: Aurore

DOPING PANDA's Miracle Tour in Hamburg

DOPING PANDA created a wonderful dream for some lucky people on a houseboat in Hamburg.

© Aurore - JaME
DOPING PANDA, a major band that plays catchy rock with an electronic, colourful ambience, came back to the European continent with a tour that passed Britain's borders this time. The Miracle Tour stopped at a big rock festival in Czech Republic as well as a Japan-fan convention in Vienna and Paris. Halfway through this nonsensical route, the trio stopped by the harbour town Hamburg in order to play the night away on the quaint houseboat of “Frau Heidi.”

Decorated with some colourful plastic flowers and a disco ball in the middle, the houseboat set the tone of the show. But much more than a kitsch look, it promised an intimate outdoor experience for the people who made the effort to come. At seven o' clock sharp, when everyone was on board, it was time to raise anchor and set off. The captain turned the motor on, taking the crowd on an unexpected and unique live.

The stage was set up at the front of the boat. It was very small, causing Hayato to nearly sit on the prow behind an imposing instrument. The boat, with its improvised stage, took on the appearance of a convivial party among friends. The set began without any delay with a jam version of We won't stop, hypnotising the small group of people with its acoustic sound that fit the moment perfectly. Furukawa Yutaka's voice echoed in the sea air, and the good weather seemed to support the magic of this show. The performance continued with a song of the same kind, Anthem, with its rhythmic tune and lively refrain. The audience swayed with the music, aided by the movement of the gently rocking boat. Bassist Taro Houjou, brows locked in his usual frown, made one think that the uncontrollable movements from the boat were causing him to lose his balance. However, he sat as steady as a rock and continued to play his part without a hitch, face aglow under the sunlight.

After a short MC during which Furukawa introduced the band, the trio played another version of We won't stop. Having a repetition only after two songs could have been seen as peculiar, but it wasn't noticed and the set flowed smoothly. Although We won't stop came to an end, the trip wasn't finished yet. It was now time for Music you like, boasting of an exhilarating melody that took listeners on a pleasant stroll in their minds. The wind-dispersed sounds set a very particular atmosphere for the song, offering an unforgettable flavour. After that, the songs could never be listened to again without having that unique moment in mind. Some of the songs, like Song for my Harmonics, were a little more aggressive and fit the cruising speed. Hayato's drumming, as well as the music woven by guitarist Furukawa, offered a special touch to the outdoor live. The acoustic aspect fit the songs perfectly, especially when the trio performed after down, a brand new song, and Because of the love.

The party spirit didn't leave the ship halfway. On the contrary, when the first note from Miracle rang, everyone's pulses accelerated to the maximum. The drummer hit the bell and the crowd danced to the sunny and joyful tune of the song. Furukawa's voice became almost sensual, and he shouted at the passers-by who were gazing at the canal, going as far as greeting another boat and presenting his band to tourists at the quay.

The sun's rays contrasted with the grey of the docks and the huge metal building that bordered the harbour. Sailing on the water, rocking to the waves, the band continued to play under a blue sky that was scattered with stringy clouds. The summery temperature rose with the coming of Crazy and its unbridled rhythm. The ride ended with the song It's my life, which had nothing to do with the Bon Jovi song other than having the same title.

Back to the harbour, the buoyant mood of the people didn't diminish. DOPING PANDA seemed not to have had enough either: the houseboat was ready for a second tour and the members quickly scribbled a new set list. Furukawa apologized in advance for the repetition of songs in the second show, but who could complain about one new hour of auditory pleasure? A small troop of people accompanied the band for the renewed excursion gladly. The trio played the songs in the first set again and offered two additional songs that they had not played earlier: Crazy one more time, which fit the context of having a second show and Beat addiction, which could without a doubt describe the crowd's addiction to the performance of the band. Furukawa spoke a few words in English between the songs, and when he couldn't find the words, he entertained the crowd. Finally, as the sun slowly sank beneath the horizon, the show came to its final end with Miracle.

The live, giving the impression of both an outdoor festival and an intimate showcase in a club or pub, was so unique that no words could fully describe it. As such a performance is rare, it was an opportunity not to be missed. The venue had definitely contributed to the delightful moment, but without a band of DOPING PANDA's caliber, it would perhaps never have caught on. Although the band played a lot of electro-tuned songs with a variety of arrangements, they chose the perfect set to match the conditions of this concert. The members knew not only how to adapt themselves to the moving ground of the boat, but also gave a friendly and generous performance like a convivial private show, forgetting the big Japanese venues they usually play at for the night. With experience, humility and talent, DOPING PANDA is a band that people will wish to see more often and is sure to draw more and more listeners.

Set list 1:

01. We won't stop
02. Anthem
03. We won't stop
04. Music you like
05. Sing for my Harmonics
06. after dawn
07. because of the love
08. Miracle
09. Crazy
10. It's my life

Set list 2:

01. Crazy
02. Music you like
03. We won't stop
04. After down
05. Crazy one more time
06. Beat addiction
07. Miracle


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Frau Heidi