
Interview with Yumachi & Aina in Finland

09/12/2010 2010-12-09 00:01:00 KoME Author: fvea & Karma Translator: fvea

Interview with Yumachi & Aina in Finland

We met the girl duo shortly before their first performance abroad in Helsinki.

© JaME, Anna Nikkinen
Yumachi and Aina are best known as models for the magazine "egg," but lately they have started their careers as singers as well. Music brought the duo to Helsinki to perform at the Tsukicon event in Helsinki, where they had their first performance outside of Japan on November 14th, 2010.

Please introduce yourselves to our readers.

Yumachi: My name is Yumachi.
Aina: My name is Aina. Together we are Yumachi & Aina

How has your visit to Finland been so far?

Yumachi: Right after we arrived here, we did a shooting for a music video. After that we ate good food at a restaurant and then went to the hotel to study English.

How did you end up making a music video in Finland?

Yumachi: We received an offer to perform at Tsukicon. When we heard that there might be snow here, we decided that here is where we want to come.

You’re both known as models. How did you come up with the idea to start singing?

Aina: Our careers started when headhunters found us and we wanted to do modeling. But we also thought that it would be great to sing as well. That way you can better express your feelings and things you want to say, and by singing we could come in closer contact with our fans.

How is your musical background? Did you do music before you started singing together?

Yumachi: In high school I played in a band.
Aina: I’ve played the piano since I was little.
Yumachi: By coincidence, we have both also played in big bands before we met.

Tonight will be your first performance abroad. How are your feelings about the concert?

Yumachi: We are really looking forward to it, but we’re also a bit insecure. This is our first time performing here, so we are a little worried if the local people will accept us and if we will receive a good reception.

The gyaru fashion that also you represent has lately become popular in Finland as well. There will be fans in the audience to whom you are role models for your work in "egg." What would you like to say to these fans?

Aina: There is no age limit for when you can be a gyaru. It is a thing that brings positivity and cheerfulness to your nature, so therefore I want everyone to be proud of being a gyaru.
Yumachi: I would like us to be known not only in Japan but throughout the world, and to be commonly accepted. And that we would be loved also here in Finland - that would make me happy.

In your audience there will also be people who don’t know the gyaru style or do not dress like it. What kind of concert experience would you like to give them?

Yumachi: First and foremost, I want them to get to know us and notice that this kind of culture also exists. I would like them to think, “Wow, they look awesome. This whole thing seems cool!”
Aina: I agree. It would be great if all listeners who have never seen this culture and don’t know about it would learn that this culture exists and would even like to try it.

You always seem to be cheerful. What kind of things make you happy?

Yumachi: When we work, we’re always serious and do everything as it should be, but behind the scenes we fool around, have fun and laugh a lot. That is one thing, and another is that we can stand in front of our fans and receive strength from them.
Aina: We talk a lot with each other and share everything - that is also a major part of this energy.

Who are your own role models?

Aina: We have loads of them, but we want to work hard so that we will become even better than them.

Would you like to tell us something about your future releases?

Yumachi: Actually, we have a song that we are going to perform here for the first time in the whole world. It will be released in Japan in December, but its first performance will be here.

How are your plans for the future? Will music be an enjoyable side project to you, or would you like to invest more into it?

Aina: We would like to perform in a Japanese music show called ”Kouhaku Uta Gassen."

How are your songs born? How strong is the role of the gyaru fashion in your music?

Yumachi: Lots of memorable things happen in our lives every day, and we do our best to remember them all and write them down. From these things, we then create our songs.
Aina: We do not make certain types of songs because we are gyaru - instead, we make songs that we want to do. But gyaru is what we are, and it is only natural that it also shows in our songs.

Finally, would you like to give a message to your Finnish fans?

Yumachi: I hope that now that we are here at Tsukicon, you will get to know us and even like us - that would be better than anything!
Aina: I really wish you will come to see our concert - we would be very happy about it. And if we come back someday, we would be delighted if you would come to see us then as well.

JaME would like to thank JrockSuomi and Empire Entertainment Japan. Pictures were taken by Anna Nikkinen.


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