

21/02/2011 2011-02-21 00:01:00 KoME Author: Leela McMullen


YOSHIKI: 'My parents used to run a kimono shop, but for some reason I became a rock star. Now I’m going back to the basics, so I’m gonna try to do kimono design. One can't live without the other, right? Music without fashion is nothing. Fashion without music is nothing.'

© JaME - Reina
Kicking off with a comprehensive history of YOSHIKI and X JAPAN, the ASIA GIRLS EXPLOSION press conference turned out to be much, much more. An ABC World News clip informed us of YOSHIKI’s super-celebrity status within Japan; a recorded interview placed his roots first in classical music and then introduced the influence of KISS, resulting in the eventual success of X JAPAN. The video continued to detail the band’s pending world domination, mentioning their sold out concerts throughout Asia since 2008 and the beginning of the western invasion with Hollywood in 2010.

Next on the program was a history of YOSHIKI himself as a musician, composer, producer and of course trail-blazer of visual kei; owning his own record label, buying up studios, co-producing with some of the most respected artists and musicians in the world… from working with Richard Taylor of Queen to arranging a piano concerto album of KISS music to television and movie theme songs, YOSHIKI’s done it all. Of course, one of his most widely appreciated achievements is X JAPAN, which is right up there in accomplishments setting records such as three consecutive sold out Tokyo Dome concerts.

Then came the inevitable video reel of footage from hide’s funeral and YOSHIKI’s withdrawal from the public eye, soon triumphantly replaced with his performance as pianist at the Imperial Palace in 1999 in celebration of the emperor’s ten-year reign before an audience of 15,000 celebrities and VIPs as well as 70,000 at-home viewers. In May 2000, he was awarded a lifetime achievement award.

Thus began YOSHIKI’s return, complete with over 12,000 views to his website YOSHIKINET.COM within only one month and the 2002 X JAPAN FILM GIG tour, and it was all crowned by his musical directorship of the World Expo attended by royal families and VIPs from around the world.

Then, of course, came the return of X JAPAN, YOSHIKI’s personal racing team partnering with Honda, his own Visa card, his own jewellery line and his own wine. In 2010 came Yoshikitty, the first personified Hello Kitty doll. Composing everything from rock operas to theme songs for prestigious movies such as "Goemon," YOSHIKI now has several film projects in the works, including an animated feature - and let’s just say that the fast-forwarded footage looked very impressive featuring vampires, medieval invaders and much more. However, all of this simply served one purpose: to set the stage for YOSHIKI’s next exciting move: ASIA GIRLS EXPLOSION.

That’s right, YOSHIKI is teaming up with Jay FR for a “fashion musical” the likes of which have never been seen before.

JaME got a sneak peek as a Cirque Du Soleil artist came crawling down blue silk from above, unsupported throughout her mid-air acrobatics. A gorgeous modern pop-ballad accompanied her skillful swaying, slides and climbs, culminating in her manipulation of the curtain to cocoon herself above YOSHIKI’s personal grand piano, which was soon flanked by four models in outfits varying from kimono-style to club-style to classy-casual wrapped in fur. Fans then screamed in ecstasy as YOSHIKI appeared before them at long last for a photo opportunity with the press. Then, the gathered press and audience alike were treated to a Q&A with YOSHIKI and Jay FR about this dream collaboration.

Q&A Session

Let’s have a round of applause. Welcome, thank you for coming, and YOSHIKI, thank you for returning.

Jay: Wow, bro. Isn’t this just amazing? Although it wasn’t supposed to be like this.

Yes, it’s incredible.

Jay: It was meant to be a loose party, but this is much, much more than that. Well it’s only to be expected of YOSHIKI.

That’s right. YOSHIKI’s fans have gathered en mass. (Audience screams on cue.) Well, I’d like to get right into it and ask away. What was the impetus that brought YOSHIKI and Jay together?

Jay: Well YOSHIKI, whom I call aniki (big brother), and I met… two and a half/three years ago in L.A. We were introduced by a friend living in New York named Robert, but the meeting was in L.A.

So you met in L.A…

Jay: I wonder what I’m doing out here. Sorry, I’m usually backstage, but this time I’m out here…

How long ago did you meet?

Jay: Two and a half, maybe three years ago?

We’d like to hear YOSHIKI’s voice, too…
(audience screams)

Jay: Yes. Say something.
YOSHIKI: Of course. It’s hard carrying the conversation all by yourself.

So, what was the reason for deciding to hold AGE?

Jay: Honestly? It was just a spur of the moment decision. Actually, I think it was last year, in September.
YOSHIKI: At Saitama Super Arena, when I went to see TGC. “Oh, this is interesting,” I thought. So, I went to see it and...(laughs)

So that’s where you first discussed holding this event?

Jay: Well that was when…well originally Tokyo Girls Collection started in 2000 with the spring/summer collection and is now approaching its sixth year this year. We creators wanted to do something new, and when I was first asked “Why did you start TGC?” I decided that I wanted to pour all of the anger and sadness of Japan in the Tokyo Girls Collection and make that its message…and when we met, YOSHIKI said, “I’m doing this thing called Violet UK, violet being the result of the stirring of the red of anger and the blue of sadness.” “Seriously?” I thought. “Isn’t this too perfect?”

Why did you think that?

Jay: Well Tokyo Girls Collection is like a big dance. The starting point of the festival. It’s spread, elevating to some pretty prestigious places like Paris. He’s my senior and I truly respect him, and I appealed to him and then…well…
YOSHIKI: Whilst drinking…
Jay: Whilst drinking…(laughs) We were drinking yesterday, too.

So in the end you two empathized with each other and this came about to this decision.

Jay: Right. I’m sorry, I hadn’t heard there would be a conference like this. Today is really about the light anyway, we decided, “let’s do it.” Honestly I was just nervous as to whether YOSHIKI and his fans would actually show up today. Well, they did, so I’m very grateful.
YOSHIKI: Is my reputation that bad?
Jay: No, no. I’m just glad the fans came.

A great deal of people really did show up, didn’t they? YOSHIKI, how does that feel?

YOSHIKI: I’m always thankful. (audience screams)
Jay: What’s amazing is that he only just came back to Japan the other day.
YOSHIKI: If there’s a concert or something, of course I’ll show up.
Jay: That’s just normal, isn’t it?
YOSHIKI: Of course.
Jay: By the way, AGE, Asia Girls Explosion, was decided upon only last Thursday or Friday. So with that in mind... we’re really doing this, right, aniki? We’re really doing it?
YOSHIKI: I’m totally passionate about it.

Passionate...YOSHIKI, will X JAPAN be performing this time?

YOSHIKI: This time will be what you could call 'my other project,' Violet UK. Like X JAPAN, it’s been going on for over ten years, and so I’d obviously like them to perform in Japan for the first time, of course showing a different side of myself with Violet UK.

First Japanese performance…everyone, this is big!

YOSHIKI:...and X JAPAN. (laughs)
Jay: Will be at TGC.

Is it okay to say that?

YOSHIKI: It’s too late now.

So Jay...

Jay: (notices the screen behind) Wow, it’s really well set up!

Jay, how do you see YOSHIKI as a music producer?

Jay: Well of course both in Japan and abroad he’s a musical genius and genius producer, although I’m often called a ‘perverted producer.’ Well this time I think the theme of explosion is incredibly suited to YOSHIKI.
YOSHIKI: How so? (laughter)
Jay: Well, you’re certainly explosive. You spark things, and this is the real meaning going into this. I expect this to spark something, to break out or to burst into popularity and explode. There’s two reasons involved, but ‘girls’ is easy enough to understand and of course Japan brings the ‘Asia’ into it. Turning the energy of the era’s current direction into impetus...last year we also used 'Asia,' and it’s truly energetic. I think if we start it off in Japan right now, it will be able to reach the whole world, which is pretty amazing. This time it’s not just about those in Japan but also about reaching just one more person and giving priority to people overseas to bring them to the event.

So you considered the state of affairs overseas in holding this event?

Jay: Yes, but please don’t delve too deeply into that.
YOSHIKI: Right. I’m like the needle in the very middle of the scenes.
Jay: Oh, and the saying is pretty cool too, right? Like “Asian Girls.”

YOSHIKI, why did you want to collaborate with Jay?

YOSHIKI: Well, we would talk about it whilst dining and at first it was just a joke, but then we really did empathize over it, and it seemed like those themes of ‘anger and sadness’ were really well matched, and we decided to put something together with each other after all. Well, if we put our heads together something is bound to happen. It usually does, so this time we’re going to make something happen again.

So… do you know exactly what is going to happen? Are you thinking up some kind of surprise?

Jay: Well, we will now. (laughs)


YOSHIKI: Well, we’re thinking about it of course, but when doing something big like this there’s always a concept, and we have to think “Can we do something like this?”

I think it’s wonderful to make huge goals, but it seems like this time something big and shocking is necessary.

Jay: Honestly there’s not much fight in it yet. With fashion you take the fight out of it – in a good way. Basically, this time started with the intention of using international artist and producer YOSHIKI to fully incorporate music, and Japan is in the eye of the world right now, so using our images and the styling of our shows, I think it would be interesting to see if we can take over. Of course, there’s a very loose feel about the whole thing, so I’d say come and see it without expectations.

YOSHIKI, do you think that way as well? Don’t come with expectations?

YOSHIKI: “Don’t come with expectations.” That’s interesting, isn’t it? It’s truly spontaneous. Well X JAPAN is always spontaneous, too.

Although I think it could be a very enjoyable event even with expectations…

Jay: Well, it’s just that Tokyo Girls Collection is different every time, and this event is something new altogether. Firstly, we really don’t know what form this is going to take. Fashion is a daily way of life and adding timing and imagery - as a creator this time it’s not about brand but rather concept and styling. Stylists will be chosen among the full course of concept and so on. It will be something interesting, like a fashion music live or fashion musical. Of course, we hope it will be something everyone can enjoy. Basically, I think of whether YOSHIKI will destroy or not as part of the theme.
YOSHIKI: What exactly am I supposed to destroy? (laughs)
Jay: That’s why it’s ‘explosion.’

Right? Explosion. Is there a set theme to this ‘fashion live’ side of things?

YOSHIKI: Explosion. Right?
Jay: Sounds good. I’m the type to exhaust myself, so I’m going to take this lightly.

"Explosion" and "taking it easy" -

Jay: And fighting spirit.

And fighting spirit. So energy and power are the theme?

Jay: Yes. Well honestly, X JAPAN and of course Violet UK have all sorts of perspectives, and this time I want to express how much the fashion world relies on music and give people a new point of view. I’m really looking forward to it, personally. I really want to break through and change how things have been up to now.
YOSHIKI, what do you think of music and fashion?
YOSHIKI: It’s like that, isn’t it? I did come from visual kei, after all.

Concerning AGE, what do you consider most challenging? YOSHIKI?

YOSHIKI: Well…I don’t think there is anything.


Jay: I do have one challenge in mind. Will YOSHIKI show up on the day? – is what I worry about. If I give him a wake-up call in the morning, or slap him about and beg him to wake up... in other words, as long as he comes, the event will succeed.
YOSHIKI: I hate mornings. (laughter)
Jay: You do.
YOSHIKI: Do you really need me in the morning?

So Jaywill give a wake-up call in the morning in order to ensure that YOSHIKI will arrive safely at the venue?

YOSHIKI: I’ll show up even without that! (laughs) Do you all really have so little faith?
Jay: Well, we’ll just have to wake you up in good time.
YOSHIKI: I don’t hibernate…

On the day, we’ll leave this important task up to you, Jay, so please take care of it.

Jay: Mission accepted.

That said, we’d like to open a Q&A session with YOSHIKI.

WWD: ‘Cool Japan’ is a big concept throughout the world right now. Japanese music, fashion and culture are being adopted all around the world. What’s your opinion on this, YOSHIKI?

YOSHIKI: That’s right, last year was much the same. Last year there were performances across America and at France’s Japan Expo and in L.A. where I live, and I felt that there was a strong mix of East and West, and this is coming from Japan at the moment, which is good. Things that originated in Japan such as visual kei, Japanese animation, etc. are prominent, and living abroad I’d like to see a more conscious industry formed around it.

WWD: What response do you see concerning the fashion of Japanese girls?

YOSHIKI: Even in L.A., Japanese fashion remains a hot topic and is considered cute, I think. They really love it – my wording is a bit strange. It’s very cool – ‘Cool Japan’ you could say. I’d like to express that further. I’d like to mix up the sense from living over there with the sense of here.

WWD: There are many fashion events, but as far as fashion and music events go, what do you think the decisive difference in Asia Girls Explosion is?

YOSHIKI: We’ve got to stay on time. For example, we’re holding a fashion show at the same time as a performance. At Tokyo Dome, X JAPAN tried the same thing, and there were good points and bad points, but I think it should be really stimulating. As an artistic form I’d like for it to be like an explosive trigger.

Japanese Economy Newspaper: I have two questions. YOSHIKI, last year you attended the TGC event. Having observed it in person, what part of it appealed to you? Also, in relation to that, using the DNA of TGC, I expect you plan to create a chemical reaction that will inspire the generation. Exactly what kind of chemical reaction do you wish to cause?

YOSHIKI: Right. Sometimes I see that sort of thing at European fashion shows, but I found the lengthy TGC and its festival scene very interesting. This time we’ll be putting on an edgy version, maybe with things missing here and there, but I think it could be a very interesting show. That’s what I observed last time. And the other question?

Japanese Economy Newspaper: So that’s what appealed to you...and what kind of chemical reaction do you wish to cause using what you experienced?

YOSHIKI: Well, personally I don’t mix well. I’m like oil and water. No matter where I go, I don’t mix in, but I’d like to use that point so that one of us can make up for what the other lacks to make something new.

(in English:)
Fox International Channels Corporation: As a producer, what was challenging in making a collaboration between music and fashion?

YOSHIKI: Well, that’s very interesting. Um, as a producer, just, you know, organizing or just producing a normal concept itself is always challenging, and this time I have to combine the fashion and music worlds, and those are kind of similar. But at the same time they are completely different styles, so what I’m trying to do is leaning a little more towards a rock concert. So, rock concert meets fashion. I would say it will probably just have a stronger rock element than a fashion element – using rock music as well. Plus – like we just did – Cirque Du Soleil, so we may have something like a theatre collaboration as well.

AP Communications: I’d like to ask Mr. YOSHIKI, what are your views on clothes? You’ve done a lot of things. You’ve done jewellery, wine…so what do you hope to achieve in terms of your message as a musician with this latest collaboration?

YOSHIKI: Okay, so yeah the fashion is one of the most important elements of our, I mean my music career as well. At the same time, this time I also wanna introduce a thing called "YOSHIKIMONO,” uh, it’s a - (laughter erupts as the joke settles in) So, I grew up – my parents used to run a kimono shop. In Japanese tradition, the oldest son is supposed to, you know, do their family thing. But, for some reason I became a rock star. So now I’m going back to the basics, so I’m gonna try to do kimono design. So this is just the beginning of this as well. Then, the big picture is that one can’t live without the other, right? Music without fashion is nothing. Fashion without music is nothing. So I’ve got to really emphasize both strengths.

Okay, that’s all the time we have for questions, but YOSHIKI, so many fans have gathered to see you today. Please spare a word for them.
(audience screams)

YOSHIKI: Right. So on March 6 at, um, Yoyogi - (audience screams) What, hadn’t you heard? Oh, you haven’t heard. So, so March 6 Yoyogi Stadium. Yoyogi Stadium is where this event - (audience sighs)...what? (laughs) - where this event will happen. There will be many surprises so please come see.

Thank you very much. It was very short, but please raise a large round of applause for YOSHIKI.

Following up the Tokyo Girls Collection on March 5, Asia Girls Explosion on March 6 is also a prelude to the Asia Fashion Festival. The event will feature a mix of local and foreign models decked out in attractive “real clothes” or, in other words, street fashion. It is expected to contrast the conventional Tokyo Girls Collection with dramatic performance elements to shock and impress! In other words, it will be a true explosion by a truly explosive artist!

Special packages involving international travel may be available. Refer to the AGE website for more information or go to or YOSHIKI's mobile website for pre-sale tickets. For international ticket sales, please check out JRock


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