
Interview with tezya in Moscow

24/11/2011 2011-11-24 00:01:00 KoME Author: Teira, lenin Translator: Haruko

Interview with tezya in Moscow

All you wanted to know about rock musician tezya.

© JaME - Cat Heroin
Before his first overseas show in Moscow, Russia, we met rock musician tezya to discuss his background and music. He was really good company and willingly answered our questions, constantly joking. Even before the show started, the charismatic musician managed to charm us already.

tezya, could you please introduce yourself to those who don’t know you yet?

tezya: Oh, that’s difficult. Well, I was born and raised in Kanagawa prefecture and lived there till adolescence.

What about now?

tezya: Now I live in Tokyo.

Why have you decided to become a musician? (Note – “musician” and “bachelor” sound similar in Japanese)

tezya: Bachelor?

Bachelor? No, musician! (laughs)

tezya: A bachelor of music? (laughs)

Just a musician?

tezya: I always loved music but never thought I’d become a professional. I never imagined myself composing something or singing. Nevertheless, I decided to try my luck despite knowing absolutely nothing about that.

What’s your favorite band?

tezya: Favorite band? In fact it’s rather an artist than a band — David Bowie, Iggy Pop… Although they are “oldies” now, they impressed me greatly when I was younger. Actually I first listened to Michael Jackson and Duran Duran.

Can you dance like Michael Jackson?

tezya: Can I dance? No, (laughs) though I wanted to! But it was in vain, no matter how hard I tried. So I gave up. While listening to Michael Jackson and Duran Duran I realized how much they influenced my life but I knew almost nothing about them. Gradually I learnt more and more, starting from David Bowie… No, starting from Duran Duran, then Bowie. And later Michael Jackson, Marvin Gaye and black music.

You also participated in various projects, which of them influenced you the most?

tezya: From the point of view of professional development, the most important one is my collaboration with Kitsutaka Fumihiko, Euphoria. Then comes my debut with the band called FiX. And the third one is the MeGAROPA project. The sound of this band resembles my solo works. All these projects influenced me. It’s hard to choose only one... Every band had its good points.

How did you meet Fumihiko?

tezya: To tell you the truth, our common friends introduced us to each other, and then we met at the audition. Usually you have to sing at the audition, but I simply came to the studio and saw Fumihiko that time. Yes, everything was decided at that very moment, so in fact there wasn’t any audition. It all happened in the blink of an eye.

Why have you decided to form your own band? Or is it a session project?

tezya: No. (laughs) I played in various bands, and after their disbandment I couldn’t play their music any more. It’s so sad. We composed some really cool tracks but I just couldn’t play them. That’s why I wanted to form a band which wouldn’t disband. (thinks for a long time) Well, now I’m part of a band called the sightz. The line up is always changing. People themselves are changing…

Please, tell us about the concept of your new album.

tezya: The concept? Hm… It’s probably rock’n’roll. Plus glam-rock.

Why did you choose such mix of rock’n’roll and glam-rock?

tezya: First of all because of David Bowie. (laughs) Music-wise he’s my father, so to speak.

What does the title LIFE MY BABYLON imply? Is there any specific meaning?

tezya: I agree it sounds weird from the grammatical point of view. However “Life in my Babylon” doesn’t look very good, does it? And sounds a bit strange too. Though the implied meaning is just the same — “Life in my Babylon.” When we say "Babylon" several things instantly come to our minds, right? For example, Shangri-La or the Underworld. The right meaning is somewhere between. Such is human life; there is always good and bad. That is how we live.

Is it true that you collaborated with ASAKI and SUGIZO on this album?

tezya: It is. (laughs)

What exactly did they do?

tezya: Exactly? ASAKI composed three songs. As for SUGIZO, we’ve been friends since adolescence. He was always beside me, and helped me when I formed my first band. After we’d become professionals, and I’d started a solo career, he promised he would be my producer. But he’s busy with his own projects, so when I was recording the album I asked him to play at least one track. He chose one of those I’d written.

Is it your first overseas tour?

tezya: Yes, it's the first.

Why did you choose Russia?

tezya: The organizers managed to find my MySpace page somehow. Honestly, every country will do for me; I’m ready to go anywhere.

Besides, Russia is not that far.

tezya: You’re right! I go to Great Britain rather often, so Russia is something like a staging post.

How was your show yesterday?

tezya: What show? Oh! Yeah, I was DJ-ing.

How was it?

tezya: Cool! It’s just for fun though, kind of a hobby. (laughs) Nothing serious.

What do you expect from today's show?

tezya: Oh, I’m looking forward to it! Preparations were rather long, so I can’t wait to meet the audience! I think it’s good that my first overseas show will be here — people here are really nice. They even write to me on Twitter.

Who usually attends your shows in Japan?

tezya: (laughs) Do you mean what kind of audience? Various people, fans of different ages, young and old alike. Sometimes even foreigners come.

We heard your parents also visited Russia once.

tezya: Yes, en route. They saw nothing except the airport. (laughs)

Did you have the chance to do any sightseeing so far?

tezya: Yes.

Were there any difficulties?

tezya: No, everything was okay. The local management helped me greatly. I even walked alone once, and nothing bad happened! (laughs)

tezya, you are not only a musician and composer but also a model and designer, right?

tezya: Yes, but I’m no longer a model. I’m busy with advertising now – I read off-screen texts.

You have a very beautiful voice. Did anything funny or strange happen because of it?

tezya: When I was younger people often confused me with a girl. I turned around and angrily asked “What?!”; They immediately realized they made a mistake. “Oops! You’re a boy!”

What do you plan for the future?

tezya: When I come back to Japan I think I’ll play several concerts, and then I’m going to record those songs which weren’t included in the first album.

What country would you like to visit?

tezya: Any country.

Any at all?

tezya: Even Africa.

Finally, please send a message to our readers.

tezya: Okay. I’ll go anywhere if you wait for me! Just call me!

Thank you so much for the interview.

tezya: Thank you!

Could you please write something for JaME?

tezya: Sure! Oh, wrong kanji! (turns the sheet and wrote again) Here you are – stylized kanji which means "tezya"!

JaME would like to thank tezya and JROCK STAR for making this interview possible.


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