Live Report

Schwarz Stein’s Electrifying Reunion

13/12/2011 2011-12-13 00:01:00 KoME Author: Diana Tome

Schwarz Stein’s Electrifying Reunion

The electronic music duo reunited for an emotional and legendary live at Takadanobaba AREA to celebrate Schwarz Stein’s tenth anniversary.

© Kaya
The electronic music duo formed by Hora (keyboard/programming) and Kaya (vocals) reunited for one emotional and memorable night at Takadanobaba AREA to celebrate Schwarz Stein’s tenth anniversary.

It was in 2001 that Kaya (ex-Isola) and Hora (ex-Velvet Eden) started working together under the alias Rudolf Steiner. Upon signing to Malice Mizer guitarist Mana's record label, Midi:Nette, the duo changed their name to Schwarz Stein working together until their disbandment in 2004. Considering the popularity the band achieved during its short existence it was no surprise that the live had sold out, nor that the crowd was a diverse mix of all ages and styles, as old and new fans waited anxiously for this once-in-a-lifetime show. Quite a few foreign faces could be seen in the crowd too, as tickets had been made available to overseas fans via a popular on-line store.

On time the live-house went dark and the SE Testament embraced the venue. Amidst purple lights and a creeping white mist, shouts of “Kaya!” and “Hora!” echoed and as the lighting suddenly began to flash to an electro beat, Hora made his entrance followed by Kaya, both clad in black setting the theme for the show – gothic electro rock!

Perfect Garden from the duo’s first single opened the night with a blast. The white lighting twirled to the beat as Kaya assumed command. Pointing the microphone at the crowd he was greeted by faithful calls. Hora joined in, encouraging the audience to shout louder. In a room that turned pink then blue, the crowd raised their hands up, following the old choreographies; impressive considering Schwarz Stein hadn’t performed live for such a long time. Kaya started swirling energetically; his stage presence was without a doubt one of the highlights of the night as he sang, danced and moved fiercely.

A heavier beat announced Rise to Heaven. “AREA! Let’s sing together!” Kaya yelled as he worked the crowd, dancing and singing seductively to their delight. Hora’s piano solo was warmly welcomed and well executed while he kept it cool behind his black keyboard. The fans, well used to Hora’s stoicism cheered loudly as he moved to the front for the night’s first MC. In complete contrast, the animated Kaya stood with a smile permanently fixed on his face. “Good evening! We are Schwarz Stein!” he said proudly. The fans' loud “Okaeri!” (Welcome back!) rocked the venue. Turning to the stoic Hora, Kaya began the first of his attempts to make him speak, insisted on it with a loud obnoxious laugh. The fans yelled out the keyboardist’s name – to his distress – and taking the opportunity Kaya teased him playing with his name as he shouted “Ho-ra!” (which roughly translates to “Come on!”). After explaining how the arrangements for the first two songs had been changed a little Kaya introduced Queen of Decadence a remake of Rudolf Steiner’s first demo single. The lights became a sultry red as a heartfelt growl filled the room. With a cold and mysterious expression Kaya took the role of a Femme Fatale ensnaring his lovers in bonds of irresistible desire. Moving smoothly like a black panther he struck dramatic poses he sang, the crowd helping out with the chorus.

Hora, now with his portable keyboard, took over the task of encouraging the fans during PREDICT-Rosen Clarion- and GENUINE. The lights helped set the mood and Kaya did the rest adopting dramatic poses which emphasized every word. The crowd’s response was incredible with fans swinging to the beat or raising arms as they sang.

Despite the fan’s demands for Hora to speak (and with Kaya teasingly yelling “Ho-ra!”) the programmer shyly refused to take the mic and it was Kaya who, once again, addressed the crowd. “Rudolf Steiner’s first one man was here, that’s why when we spoke about having this live it was clear for us it would have to be here!” he explained. Encouraging yells were shot from the crowd asking Hora to speak as Kaya continued asking if anyone present had been at their first one man. To Kaya’s surprise a few fans raised their hands and with a smile he waved adding “I remember you!” In recollection of this, the music then dove into transient. The ballad was solemnly performed and Kaya seemed on the verge of tears as he sang the last verses.

After, green lights fell on Hora, his heavy make-up giving him a somewhat Frankenstein-like look as Kuroageha began. Kaya became the title’s black swallowtail butterfly as he moved his arms gracefully up and down. A the stage became shrouded in darkness only shadowy forms could be seen and Kaya’s voice echoed throughout the venue, feelings of pain and despair filling the air. As the piece reached its climax, hundreds of small white dots of light replaced the darkness, dancing around the room reflected off the mirror ball. Reaching to the skies Kaya let out a pain filled cry before all lights died.

The gothic atmosphere that then engulfed the live-house became beautiful the Virgin. The pair moved about the stage interacting with the crowd. Finally in CREEPER, Hora’s voice was heard as he took a mic and sang the chorus with the fans who moved in unison to the beat. The entire venue mimicked the duo as they brought their hands to their chest only to raise them up in a military salute. Visually it was a stunning performance with Kaya dancing energetically before ending the song with marionette-like movements.

With two songs to go before the encore Kaya and Hora gave all they had. It was amazing to see how the two filled the stage completely making it even seem smaller with all the dancing and moving. Syphilis and Disorder was followed by Succubus the audience singing and shouting more euphorically as the heavier songs went on. Kaya encouraged the audience to yell with shouts of “Let me hear your voices!” as the beat grew heavier.

After the pair had left the stage, immediately the fans demanded an encore. Kaya and Hora came back quickly and went straight into the firs encore. Kaya’s vocals entranced the audience for HYPNOS, embodying the lyrics with every posture and expression, while Hora moved his head lightly to the beat in a hypnotic fashion as he moved around with his Alien-looking portable keyboard.

The MC that followed was perhaps the most emotional of the night, Kaya confessed that he missed the old visual kei and revealed some personal feelings about the new v-kei scene – as always it was said with dark humor and sarcasm. “Thank you all for coming!” he started, “I have been playing with many new bands and they are all very …lively" he said with an ironic smile “… like … Johnny’s” The crowd giggled in amusement. “I like them…” he added with a (non) apologetic smile before explaining “I like their face at least.” A loud teasing laughter left Kaya’s lips and the crowd followed suit. Wanting to hear Hora’s voice some fans shouted his name to which he replied with annoyed and embarrassed shouts of “urusai” (“you are too loud/shut up”).

Following was SIRIUS a beautifully performed piece and Kaya seeming increasingly moved by events as the night approached its end. A loud roar filled the room when both men left once more, the fans energetically shouting out their names and demanding a new encore. Eventually Hora returned, camera in hand as he took some photos of the audience. “I bought this camera to take pictures of my cats!” he said, adding “I have four!” Kaya didn’t miss the chance to join in as he explained teasingly “Hora has a blog and puts pictures of his cats there! I also have one and put pictures of things like my underwear! Today I posted a picture of my red underwear!” Between laughter both men encouraged the fans to buy their CDs and as one fan yelled “I have them all!” Kaya retorted “Well, buy another one!” As they were about to start the next song Kaya exclaimed with a sigh “I become very dark in Schwarz Stein!”

The finale couldn't have been more fitting: Current followed by New vogue children from the first Schwarz Stein album. Pointing the mic to the crowd Kaya encouraged the audience to scream. The fans moved to the beat, arms high in the air. “AREA! Will you sing with us?” With the crowd singing in unison the night reached an end. It was a sweet and unforgettable moment as Kaya and Hora thanked the fans for their support. Between cheers, tears and laughter both men left the stage. The crowd shouted out their names and many fans refused to accept the night was over. In response to the cries Kaya returned and with a warm (and sad) smile said “until we meet again!” With a bow the vocalist left the stage, the lights falling in behind him.

It was indeed a memorable live that will stay in the hearts of all those present, and we look forward to the next time Schwarz Stein stand on stage together, to dazzle with their gothic electro rock.

Set list

SE - Testament
1. Perfect Garden
2. Rise to Heaven
3. Queen of Decadence
4. PREDICT-Rosen Clarion-
6. transient
7. Kuroageha
8. beautiful the Virgin
10. Syphilis and Disorder
11. Succubus


Encore 2
14. Current
15. New vogue children

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Date Event Location
Schwarz Stein
Hora, Kaya
Takadanobaba AREA