
xTRiPx to Disband

27/12/2014 2014-12-27 05:06:00 KoME Source: OHP Author: vulpix

xTRiPx to Disband

xTRiPx will disband in February 2015.

© xTRiPx. All Rights Reserved
Adding to the already long list of visual kei disbandments that have been announced this year, xTRiPx also recently decided to call it quits. After a remarkable eleven year career, they thank their fans for their support and promise to give their all during their remaining time together.

The group will disband after a final one-man live on February 13th titled 1 as there.... However, there is one ray of light, as the band will release a last venue-only single, good trip, before they say farewell.

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