
First Single from SpelL

10/12/2020 2020-12-10 18:59:00 KoME Source: GENKI's Twitter Author: Christine

First Single from SpelL

SpelL, a new project "produced and managed" by 8P-SB's GENKI TAKEBUCHI, will release its first single on December 15th.

© SpelL. All rights reserved.
SpelL, a new project "produced and managed" by 8P-SB's GENKI TAKEBUCHI (formerly known as MEJIBRAY vocalist Tsuzuku), will release its first single SPELL on December 15th.

Links to download and stream the release will become available here on the release date. 

In a tweet, GENKI posted a teaser for SpelL's first music video and promised to release the full music video if it reached 300 retweets. The goal has already been met, and the music video will be revealed on SpelL's YouTube channel at 21:00 (JST) on December 15th. Fans can keep an eye on SpelL's official Twitter and Instagram accounts for more updates.

The teaser can be viewed below.

 Download or stream "SPELL"

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