
The Back Story of Leessang's Champion

24/01/2010 2010-01-24 13:25:00 KoME Source: News En Author: Gobbie

The Back Story of Leessang's Champion

Gil reveals the sad story of Leessang's Champion.

Gil of Leessang has revealed the inspiration for their hit song, Champion, through MBC Infinity Challenge on the 23rd.

Champion is the group's 3rd album title song, but there is more than meets the eye. The song is inspired by and made for the late Korean boxing champion, Choi Yo-sam, who passed away in his last round in 2008 due to a trauma. Gil burst into tears explaining how he could have lived if only he had received treatment 30 minutes earlier. Furthermore, he told how difficult boxers' lives are as even the champion had difficulties earning sponsors for matches and for his last round, he used his own money.

Champion's lyrics include:
'January 3rd, 2008, please hold on a little longer
despite my hope that everything is going to be all right
as long as he stays strong for one more day,
he leaves and my tears feel like an excuse.'

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