
Wonder Girls Cancel American Tour

04/02/2010 2010-02-04 01:34:00 KoME Source: Daum Author: Gobbie

Wonder Girls Cancel American Tour

Wonder Girls cancel February's American tour and delay the album.

© JYP Entertainment
Wonder Girls have canceled their American tour, which was scheduled to take place at the end of the month.

The JYP Entertainment staff announced that further notice will be given later but as for now, the tour and album are delayed. Their album and tour are rescheduled for around April so the new member, Lim, will have some time to settle in.

At the moment, Lim is in China with the other members. They left on February 2nd to participate in advert promotions. Afterward, she will head to America with them.

Sun-mi remains in America to finish her career as a Wonder Girl.
She still has a few things on her schedule to handle and it looks like the POP-CON Concert on the 20th is going to be her last stage for the time being.

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